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Rossington Main Ladies FC football/soccer team are having a tough time finding teams to play against because the other teams have boycotted them, all because of a trans player that has injured some of the other girls, one as young as 16.  Francesca Needham  the trans player is now sueing and is quoted as expressing her hope the "issue of perceived discrimination against me can be resolved peacefully" with assistance from the Football Association. Needham said she was being forced to quit playing for now.


Female players boycott trans player



As far as I know, the only sport in which men and women compete equally are the equestrian sports. So, if you want to play well with others....mount up!!!! Seriously, I'm all for equal rights but how can a 30yr old take ANY pride in beating 16yr old CHILDREN??!!! How exactly does this "empower" the transgender community? I really would like to know.




Uniting and boycotting this forced 'alphabet people' crap is exactly what women everywhere need to do to rid the wide world of (real) women's sports of unfair schlong invading their teams!


I like what Deadbug said, start your own league but stay out of the girls/ladies leagues.