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Hard to believe it has been this long (2019) but this was the first ever or second or third episode of GTKTD, at the start I didn't even upload MP3's only full video files so I don't believe it has ever been uploaded as a MP3 until now!

While archiving my older work I can across this bit of silliness and thought it was at least worth a re-render and uploaded as I am trying to get all my past work or at least what's worth it to PATREON.

Please note in no way is this ridiculing the gay community, more the misconceptions people have of that community. 

Enjoy or Not





"Simp-bug, stink-bug, shit-bug, fag" ...yeah, it kinda has a rhythm, don't it? Kept me laughing all the way. Oh hell yeah, DB puts on green jeans from grandma and goes to check out a gay bar...


Happy Thanksgiving everyone

Josh Greenbaum

I swear I’m not Josh Green. I did not call you a FAG. Interestingly enough my nom de plum is Josh Greene. Fuck that doppelgänger fag