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Pan Am Flight 103 was a regularly scheduled Pan Am transatlantic flight from Frankfurt to Detroit via London and New York. On 21 December 1988, N739PA, the aircraft operating the transatlantic leg of the route was destroyed by a bomb, killing all 243 passengers and 16 crew on board – a disaster known as the Lockerbie bombing.  

It is believed but never been proven the bomb was put on a plane in Malta, which would have unbelievably meant it past through Germany and Heathrow airport in London without being scanned. The timer on the bomb was crude and instead of exploding by air pressure and height it was set by the terrorist to explode over the sea, but with several delays, fate would not have it that way and it exploded over the small village of Lockerbie Scotland.  

This is the worst terrorist attack on U.K soil, time does not diminish the impact of this  tragedy of the attack on a Boeing 747 full of people , many students excitedly returning home for Christmas to spend the holidays with their loved ones.


Lockerbie, The Bombing Of Pan AM 103

Pan Am Flight 103 was a regularly scheduled Pan Am transatlantic flight from Frankfurt to Detroit via London and New York. On 21 December 1988, N739PA, the aircraft...





I was a 19 year old teen visiting with my Irish aunt and uncle for Christmas when this happened and I remember them clearly watching the news coverage with tears in their eyes and more than a little vengeance boiling inside them. This awesome film brought back those memories like it was yesterday. The fucking world is full of hateful bastards my uncle said, and I agree. LEGION FOREVER 🤘🏻


Such devastation. Deadbug you did it again, you're a master at what you do. Beautiful tribute. Thank you for sharing your craft with us. 💗


This one is harrowing. Beautiful memorial. No one comes close to you, DB, in quality, skill, or content.


I used to work at Frankfurt Airport and I can tell you the security is a lot better now. Hamburg and Berlin, though, not so much, ha ha.


I live in the next town to Lockerbie and I also work at the metal heath hospital. This still impacts people today. Another documentary from a very talented man. Thanks DB


Watched this one of yours before , still hits like a knife to the heart. Outstanding ability on display ; factual, respectful and yet not over sentimentalised or emotional . And probably jack all to do with the Libyans .


Wow. This was the best & most heartbreaking episode of yours so far. It makes me sad to see them talking about the plo & peace talks, and here we are, 35 years later, still dealing with this bullshit terror from basically the same group. 😖😢 Thank you, Wonderful episode!!