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Whether it is to believed or not is uncertain but the Dovestone incident is creepy as fuck, if not only for the fact experts say the picture has not been doctored and even if the participants had an IQ high enough to peel an apple it all seems to organic and the creepy past of the area makes it the perfect recipe for paranormal activity.


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OMG all those poor kids suffering the unimaginable. When are these killers going to grow some balls and pick on someone their own size and age who can actually fight back and maybe give these innocents some redemption? Oh that's right, my apologies... they don't have balls, the sleazy f*ckers! Thanks again for another great film, you do yourself proud young man 👏


DB coming back and watching these after not seeing some of them for over a year is a treasure. I can see the work you’ve done. It’s not something that just reaches out and slaps me your joints have always been a cut above… well everyone, but it’s in their overall continuity I think… anyways thank you so much incredible work as always!