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Ever wonder how I came up with the name LEGION? I didn't, you guys did, we voted on it that's how, viewers all suggested names, we took it to the poll and LEGION won. In this episode I look at reports that Fred&Rose West may have some more bodies hidden, I do some killer book reviews and I take a look at what means the most to me (not really) viewers comments.

Please enjoy an episode of ZIPLOCKED that has not been seen since it was given a strike and removed from YT.

Enjoy or Not



(No title)



Oh bless your heart I see all the collections you have made! That is much work that is unnecessary but appreciated! You do so much for the legion!


I remember voting on that! Legion 🦇 forever


Gotta say Deadbug, absolutely love all of your nannas stories... she's such a firecracker 😅🤣🎉