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When it comes to mass murder no one does it better than Mother Nature!

Please enjoy what is an early un-censored release.

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Enjoy Or Not



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This looks amazing!!!! Way to go, DB! So glad patreon is finally uping it’s game


https://youtu.be/ASjY-Xi71AA?si=Okj74adlPjLPCbzA Hi deadbug I just started watching this on YouTube. I haven't seen the conclusion yet but maybe you can find more information on it and do your thing on the next death by nature episode. Also unsure if you take recommendations but i have 2 murders that I wish you could cover. One is Beverly Hope Melton it happened in my hometown county which is Chesterfield South Carolina. I actually went to school with the piece of shit who killed her. Also the other is Kimberly Melton, she was a dancer at a club and a Union County police officer killed her. This happened in Monroe North Carolina really close to my home. ( I lived on the state line from NC and SC) . The murder of Kim was what sparked my interest in murder. I was a kid but I remember following the case. Just thought I'd throw this information out!


What's with the no warning to either of these disasters? Population control? Oh, of course not, they didn't warn the people of Maui because they might get confused. The damn dam was all about $$, knowing it wasn't sound before it was even finished, so I guess the crooks in charge didn't want to admit it was about to cause the surrounding mountain to blow chunks...BIG chunks! I read that later, the sentenced some employees for negligence and manslaughter. 🤷🏼‍♀️ 🙄😡