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Having worked in the past with Russel Brand, Actor, presenter, TV host, I thought I would weigh in on the subject.

Enjoy Or Not





If these women had gone to the police then maybe they'd have some credibility, but going straight to the media just stinks set up by the media because they want to shut him down. Sure he did some shit when he was younger, but who hasn't. He's cleaned himself up and because he's doing well which some don't like, it's time to shut him down. No it doesn't work that way! This all reeks to me and I hope he can clear himself.


Deadbug you are scary! You are changing my viewpoint of men! 👀 You are actually making sense to me. (Kidding, a lot of men make sense to me, but I don't tell them, it goes to their heads👀). Yes, the "ladies" should have went to the police instead of putting all their dirty laundry out in the open. Or should have come forward when it happened, not wait until someone turns famous and then say years later, oh by the way... Most people that are raped shy away from being out in the open about rape, because they foremost blame themselves first. Emotional abuse is real (domestic violence survivor of 20 years), it goes often hand in hand with physical and or sexual abuse. It's very manipulative and controlling and a form of brainwashing.


Well at this point we don't know if he did it or not and it isn't for us to say but for a court of law but to destroy someone before it even reaches the cops is wrong. Glad youre surviving!


I'll always remember Channel 4 as the one where Kathy Newman asked, without apparent irony, "Why should your right to free speech trump someone else's right to not be offended?" Let's get something straight: You have NO right to live free of offense, NONE. That's not a human right nor should it be.


Well said deadbug, as always the British media are destroying lives, remember when they said prince philip was an old racist and deadly driver, as soon as he passes they say he was a perfect old man. They’re making out he’s a jimmy Saville figure. The sun newspaper says Russell has no morals, coming from a paper who hacked voicemails of a murdered teenager 😞


I agree with you 100%. We keep seeing assignation by media yet still people jump on the bandwagon like they've got the attention span of a fucking goldfish. I believe in innocent until proven guilty and agree names should be withheld until after the legal process has taken place. I watched this happen to Marilyn Manson. Whether he is guilty or not the allegations against him were published on social media before anyone spoke to the police. Everyone instantly dropped him. Just because someone has a vagina it doesn't mean that they can't lie or engage in malicious behaviour. I'm a women, I know for a fact that's bullshit. When did feminism turn into misandry? As I teenager I proudly stated I was a feminist. I wanted equality for all. I didn't want women to be perceived as "better" than men. We seem to have forgotten what happened to Craig Charles. Right at the height of his acting career he's accused of rape. He spent time in prison awaiting his trial. He was accused alongside a friend who the women also said was involved. Turns out it was all a lie. And Eleanor Williams who was jailed for eight and a half years after rape and trafficking lie. She was all over social media claiming to be so traumatised. I'm sure there was also a fundraising for her. My final rant is about women who attack other women for defending everyone's right to be perceived as innocent until proven guilty. Calling us misandrists FFS. How the fuck do we hate women? We just understand what women are capable of and don't think they are all fluffy, passive beings who aren't able to be just as nasty, callous and as violent as men are. We absolutely are. (Thank you for giving me somewhere to rant, I think I can skip my therapy session this week :) )