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Now I know it has been a shitty year for Stinkyluk, how do I know? Because they told me but I myself have had the shittiest year ever so I feel your pain and it can only get better (I hope).

Also I fucked up and I missed my good friend GapeNET's Birthday to which I feel terrible about, sometimes when inundated with messages previous conversations are sent far down the list and not revisited so please accept my apologies and at this time I would ask all of you to please, smoke em if yah got em, take a shot or two and wish this dynamic duo a very  HAPPY BIRTHDAY and although I say duo, they are in no way related.

If I may be so bold I hope both of you will share what you got up to....GapeNET I know I am so late with this announcement you may not remember.




Happy Birthday to you both!


Synchronous birthday wishes 😁


No problem dude. Better late than never. We are all busy folks. Unfortunately I was very ill at the time, but we had a very small function at my house in Kent with very close family and friends. Plenty of pizzas and booze to go around. The weather was crap so we had another mini party on the Sunday. My beautiful wife got me a fantastic present, some might find it pretty gay, but I love Lego Technic. She got me the Ferrari Daytona model which I’ve loved building. Personally I’m not a Ferrari guy - preferring Lamborghini, but Lego technic always makes me super happy. Might be some trauma buried within all of this, likely looking into toy and model shop windows as a child knowing we could never have any of it on my parents non existent budget. Rambling now, so I’ll close up. Thanks Deadbug, thanks to all the fans who wished me a happy 35th and everyone else who’s chipped in. Let’s all keep cheering Deadbug on, such a wasted talent when you see all the dog crap that Netflix/Amazon etc churn out. I always recommend him to my non NPC friends