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Get on over there and leave a kind word, as I am sure the haters will be out.




I had never heard of this case before. I grew up in Germany. People were more trusting back then, at the same time parents left their kids more alone back then. Both invites crime and assault. It would not surprise me if one or both of the older boys were abused and took their anger out on this little angel. Kids can be horrible cruel. This was a different side of you, more respectful, maybe because of the young little boy as a victim. It did not go unnoticed, you did good. I am glad you are touching topics, others shy away from.


I really like it when you and the doc collaborate. It's like ying and yang. 😊


I do to but I get allot of hate from it and his fans seem to hate me but I just think it adds another color to the palette so to speak.


I noticed the Legion is really backing you up. I didn’t read all the comments, but several Das heads have subscribed to your channel.


That is good to hear, the one thing I hesitate about collars is the mindless hate I get!