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It is all kicking off, Paris is burning, the fish need rescuing, the offended hate mob is growing and eating their own and there are hushed rumours about why they didn't tell us right away why that sub had imploded even though they all heard it go boom, this and so much more on this heavy on calories but good for your heart ep. of GTKTD, AVAILABLE ONLY ON PATREON!!!!

Enjoy Or Not





Paris is fkn burning. I was surprised by the revolts and strikes/riots over the extended retirement age.


Can't wait to listen to this,once I have been the shop,fed the zoo & sit down..I am going to put my feet up & listen..Thanks again Deadbug you really are the man..hope everyone else is keeping well,have a relaxing evening & takecare all 🤘🏻☮☮🤘🏻


It's 100°F here in Alabama this afternoon, it's hot as balls out, as we say. I was sitting on the back porch smoking a bowl enjoying a cold beer or four listening to my first "Getting to know the Dead". Deadbug, you rock man! Made my day man, I'm got a great buzz, some great food going, and this just made my day. You fkn rock DB!! Legion Forever!


Hysterical 🤣


Love ya DeadBug! A live stream would be sick!! 🖤 Pls give us fair warning ok? Looking forward to it.


Just joined this morning and I'm glad I did. You make the best true crime videos and my wife and I very much enjoy watching them. There isn't much content of any medium we can consume anymore and we are always happy when we find people like you who don't pull punches and tell all of the story.


Why thank you and thank your wife, I hope you enjoy your stay here and the content, plenty of it here. Remember if you have problems viewing videos try watching through your browser, most things are here, you just gotta find it. Happy hunting.


Love your GTKTDs. Most entertaining podcast of current events, and hilarious. Keep it up DB, you rock!


PLEASE PLEASE 🙏 do a live stream Love all your stuff Deadbug, I get so excited when I see you have put out something. Totally entertaining 👏


Pretty sure the Amwrican military heard, "boom!" and its first thought was, "shit! That wasn't us, was it?" and its second was either Russia or China. When they realized it was civilian, they probably check to make sure it couldn't be run back to anything that has anything remotely to do with U.S. security, etc. (Was anyone on board on the CIA payroll, etc.) After they'd checked all that, well, so much time had passed it was sort of embarrassing, wasn't it? When it comes to anything to do with the government, conspiracy theorists give it FAR too much credit. Private companies, on the other hand... Folks, when the government wants to know what you've been up to it has to go to your credit card, cell phone, etc companies. While you all are screaming about the "Deep State", credit card companies have amassed so much information about everyone it's eyewatering. Add Google, Amazon, payment processing companies, internet providers... Whoever manages to get all of that information gathered and used in ways we cannot even begin to imagine... It's already begun to radically alter human society. People, talk to young people- they live in an utterly different reality. I've spoken with so many kids and they're cynical as HELL! What do you suppose cynical children grow up to be? Those are who will be paying taxes and supporting us when we're old. I suggest everyone begin saving- a lot.


Baby milk has been locked away for a while in the U.S. Razor blades as well- apparently, they're made out of platinum these days.


They love to riot in Paris and it’s my favourite thing about the French - other countries need to pay more attention to how it’s done! ✊


It's got a lot less to do with 'justice' than it does a bunch of illegal Musfucks from Africa stealing shoes and destroying Western civilization in the process.


The cop that shot the African has been arrested so there goes their claim of 'no justice'. It's an opportunity for beasts to steal, destroy the civilized West and smile while doing it.


You’ve obviously never been to Paris because they riot over if the sky is blue or not there. It’s fabulous. Power to the people, always.