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June 17, 2023


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Love the air wick bit..chubby brown makes a joke about somewhere not worth shitting on even the pigeons fly upside down😂😂..


Keep doing more like these DB I love it. Looks by the pictures that they're absolute Pigs.


South Bolton. Detective Jimmy McNulty on the case said there were bite marks on the victim and a red ribbon around the wrist


Ffs. What's next?! Those poor kids. The most unfortunate part is only one of the adults were found dead.

James Herington

Thank God pride month is almost over. Lack of respect for this shit


I swear I would watch the news religiously if you were the reporter, Deadbug. You're the BEST! 🤘


Pride month? Tell that to those poor kids! Good job dead bug! Keep us updated.

Laura Adams

This is fucking disgusting and fuck pride month. I know several gay guys and even they are disgusted with this whole trans and nonbinary shit. I would say the people that do this kind of shit have nothing to do with a 'gender' and more to do with a personality type. Like sociopath


The Trans community still has a ways to catch up with the Catholic Church with about 216,000 victims of sexual abuse carried out by the Catholic Church’s clergy between 1950 and 2020, but this is a great start 😹


this whole month is mired with disgusting public acts that somehow get a pass. don’t be me wrong, i have zero issues with any alphabet soup person, but do have an issue with a child seeing a grown man wearing sexually explicit female clothing in public


That shit is so fucked up!!!


Fuck pride, fuck trans, I've had it with these fucktards. Backlash is coming and it's coming big. Many people feel as I do.


My family is originally from South Boston. There used to be a feeling of pride telling people you were from Southie, it meant something. Not anymore, and it's been that way for some time now


I doubt ANYONE from the alphabet soup club is any more keen to claim them in their community than the black community would be, or the people of Boston. Who wants to be associated with that trash? All the adults involved are clearly unfit to care for children. I suspect Child Services needs more funding and procedures put in place to ensure situations like this DO NOT happen. ♥️


WTF does Pride Month have to do with kids in the same apartment with dead people, drugs, shit covered sex toys, and needles all over the place? Straight people get their kids taken for the same thing! All the time, in fact! 🙄


But it doesn't bother you that the dude was a stiff, or needles were all over the place, or that the sex toys had shit on them? 🤷🏾‍♂️


Happy pride month!


well shit. I didn't know I had to drop the whole list on everything I didn't like here. I'm not a fan of Bee stings either.


I feel the same. I have to explain what the rainbow flag means to my prepubescent 10 year old son. He doesn’t even know exactly how he was conceived let alone sex kinks that these fucktards are sooo proud of. I’m not even religious but it’s ironic to me that pride, the first of the 7 deadly sins is so widely celebrated and they use the rainbow, God’s promise not to flood the earth again, as their flag.


I know a couple of gay dudes and they feel the same way. They don’t proudly flaunt their sexual kink. Hell, I didn’t even know they were gay before they told me.


Happened on Old Colon Avenue ...?? Is that next to Prolasped Cul de Sac in Boston ? Keep up the good work Deadbug .


what about grown women? bet you dont mind if a child sees boobs or an ass thats female because of ur stupid straight agenda. countless times was forced to watch a man and a woman make out in G rated films just shut the fuck up dude


I don’t like super hot days, super cold days either I guess, being thirsty, being hungry, being sad… ummmm… I like ass and titties. can’t lie about that.


How about the biggest community of enslaved people are children... Sex slaves, All over the world. Who helping??? #godschildrenarenotforsale


They slaughter innocent Xtians at school, bust another tranny for plotting 6 more schools/churches 2-weeks later, rape/molest children, but claim THEY are the real 'victims' as Biden throws fag parties and vows, 'I got your backs!'