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Even when I was getting low numbers I generally got about 1500 to 2000 new subs a month last year when it sunk to 345 and average a month I thought with my amount of subscribers it was impossible to sink lower, now I've hit 163 a month even while creating shorts daily and on a platform where we are recommended some of the stupidest shit possible you wonder how it is possible we'll..... here it is, the most compelling true crime content on the platform and I can't muster more than a handful of new subs a month.

Now before any of you say who cares it's YT, remember this is where I get the majority of my new PATRONS from, I know that Daily Wire and some other people are currently taking them to court Im not holding out much hope as the poilitians have probably all been paid off.

Let's hope someone eventually takes these grifters down.





Unfortunately, the sketchy things that YouTube engages in surprise me very little. I am sorry they've always been so awful to you.


It's fucked up. Truth will prevail though. Right?

Laura Adams

I meant to tell you long ago, many of the true crime channels I have seen are also being demonetized. They make comments in the video description that they have been demonetized for just using words like 'rape', 'sexual assault' or 'suicide'. It's fucking UNBELIEVABLE. It almost feels like YT is on a true power trip. Like, we makes the rules here. Regardless of free speech or our rights to be entertained in whatever way we see fit, WE said you can't do it, or we'll take your livelihood. It's fucking sickening. What's even more sickening is listening/watching a true crime TV show and they have to say things like GBH (great bodily harm) or SA (sexual assault) but my favorite, so far, rather than suicide he said 'she decided to be unalive'. WTF?! Are we toddlers here?? It's just stupid. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say all this but once I started writing, I got worked up lol anyway, I know that you know you're not the only one but also hope you know that it's happening to a large portion of the 'killing of another' community.


Youtube sucks so much now, I scroll endlessly trying to find good true crime content and its always the same crap. It's like everything is just targeted to kids nowadays or they've punished the creators so much that they're forced to make subpar content to succeed. I've got to the point where I listen to podcasts (so surprised & happy about the collab between you and Jack luna) & just a few channels on yt. Everything sucks now though...its like the older I get the worse shit gets...hope things work out for you though bc you're one of THE best narrators and creators I've ever came across.

James Herington

Once upon a time, we used to be notified through email whenever new content was posted. Since they stopped doing that, we have to go to the youtube channel itself for notifications there. That is another reason subscribers, like myself, became frustrated. Now a lot of people don't wish to stick around. Thank goodness for patreon, we don't miss anything. Consider me a continuous subscriber for that reason


Something will come along and replace it soon - people are sick of it and Tik Tok numbers show that creators don’t even need a YouTube platform anymore - or even to engage with the algorithm there. Love your stuff LONG TIME 💋


One cool part about being a Christian: One believes these folks will have to either admit they suck as people, or be incinerated


Don't aplogize for speaking the truth about something you are passionate about! Pretty sure we all feel the same!


Well duh! Don't you know that if we never say those magic words that are now banned, then the actions they describe will magically cease to exist in society??!!!! And if we click our heals together 3 times we'll be transported home! I'm curious what 911 or 999 (I think that's your neck of the woods) calls are going to be like in the future if "ban" these words so our youth aren't corrupted and stay protected from scary words! "911, what's your emergency?" "Yes, this person who has a penis, although I'm not going to gender them because they may or may not identify as male, and I don't wish to offend this said person, well this person invaded my personal space, but I did not struggle because I was afraid it would be labeled a hate crime, anyways, this person removed my clothing without asking for my consent, after chasing me down an alleyway, I didn't want to run because well they were of a different skin color shade than mine and I didn't want to stereotype this person or offend them, so I walked right beside them instead of crossing the street, and this person followed me, and threw a dark bag over my head and despite never asking for my permission this person removed my clothing, again without my consent, and proceeded to put the penis I assumed was attached below this person's waist, again I don't want to gender shame this person or force anyone to identify as anything other than how they feel inside, but a penis was put inside me, while a bag was held over my head, and I was on the ground in an alleyway with this person doing acts to my body without asking me for consent...and then this person took a very sharp, pointy, mettalic item and put that into my body in many many places, over and over, and then took off running." "So you need police and medical?" "Well, I don't want to get anyone in trouble...this person may have just been having a bad day! I don't know what kind of homelife this person has. I am probably more privileged and received better opportunities and attention from both of my parents. I don't want to be accused of exploiting my privileg and wealth by seeking medical care and police protection." "Ummm. Caller, I too do not wish to gender shame you. However, it sounds like you were attacked, raped and stabbed with intent to murder just now! What is your location? I'm sending help immediately!" "Oh, how dare you use THOSE words with me Dispatcher!!! We do NOT use such language and descriptive words! I must talk with your supervisor immediately!!!! But, I'm feeling sleepy....I think I'll take a quick nap here on the pavement...." Ok. Sorry Y'all!!! I went off on a little tangent.....please no one get butt hurt. It's called a JOKE!!!


That's such BS, YouTube doesn't deserve your quality considering the way it arbitrarily treats creators. I hope Patreon is treating you well


Exactly. My love of true crime is largely the skill to nail down who meets the evidence - whatever shape, brewed persona or species etc. Police and Medical should know the score, it's clear. Obviously in a murder investigation you need a 'steel rod through the shit' (quote Dimebag Darrell). Consideration due for a small portion of our folks suffering there, but it should be per-case and not principal. Words are spells.


So when is the Deadbug shopping live-stream happening?


I know it probably doesn't help a whole lot but I've reccd your channel a few times on yt when commenting on random videos


That just hurts my feelings .....




The best thing that could happen is that if YT was bought by or at least ran by someone with some balls instead of those that think saying it as it is violates the overly sensitive lot. Unfortunately, I don’t think that will happen soon. Even another platform to rival yt to gain the popularity they have is years if not over a decade off


Total fuckin bullshit. Just listen to those other "true" crime channels. They are pathetic, soft, and fucking boring. LEGION FOREVER!!!