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My friend Mooney had am erotic dream staring Arnold Schwarzenegger unlike Arnold the world is going soft, my cat doesn't like his new litter purchased on a budget, NETFLIX is taking advantage of the financial crisis like everybody else and why are green haired Women who work in coffee shops bitter just like the over priced coffee they serve? This and much more in your PATRON only exclusive episode of GTKTD.

EnJOY Or Not


P.S while your here, if your new why not take a chance to introduce yourself and say hi!




Thanks DEADBUG. Welcome all new members 🤘


Thanks for the brutal honest content and often times saying what we are all thinking.Also,pointing out the total lack of class,morals,and personal accountability most have in society and the someone else will fix it mentality. FUCK OFF ANYONE WHO IDENTIFIES AS A PRONOUN


Prices on absolutely everything have skyrocketed with no end in sight. I fear for the generations to come. Values are turned inside out and common sense is gone. Loved the music! Totally agree with you Deadbug.


What’s up mr deadbug? How’s it hanging?


Hiiiii. Im just here to be inspired 😂


Hi. My name is Joe. Felony murder(er). I'm 47, married (sorry ladies). I like Star Wars and French Bulldogs. Favorite color is burgundy. That's all you're getting. Nice to meet all of you.


Hi! I’m Christina! I like snakes and the colors black and pink. I’ve never done time. Nice to meet y’all.


We love you Deadbug from New York!


Let me just pause this at "bag of meat buggies" 😂😂😂😂😂😂 ok, back to the show


I love that new song at the end. Thank you for the podcast made my morning.


Here in the San Francisco Bay area it seems everything cost a lot more than several years ago. Now, money has never been that important to me so I don’t know the exact percentage.


🖤 I wish you were my neighbor. 🖤


DEADBUG I always love the music you choose. Much love from Alabama.


Now i can have a good week 🥂


Right from the start I spit my coffee out with the «  no not dementia «  DEADBUG timing is like no other😂😂😂


40 years ago if one said I don’t like the way I look my parents generation would say get over it no one is looking… Go to work Get over yourself….😅


Omg I would die if you made a self motivation tape! Hilarious! I would pay just to hear your giggle on repeat! Ohhh deadbug- you inspire me!


Luv you Deadbug. A nice big beefsteak tomato 🍅 is five bucks. At least. Fuck off professional victims. Let’s hear it for personal responsibility. Just keep on keepin’ on. Long Beach CA.


Deadbug I love your views,I agree with you 💯, we are fucked with the way things are headed. You make me laugh and for that I thank you 😊 Australia is so expensive, mortgage has doubled, groceries through the roof, electric, petrol ….. I could go on and on.


Hey DeadBug 🫡 love your content, new Patreon from Virginia. My girlfriend hates hearing AssPussy by now, but I can’t get enough. Keep up the great work


check out chimp empire DB


Prices in Sydney are mental at the moment my mortgage payments have gone from $890.00 a week to $1350.00 in less than a year and still going up lol alot of people i know will be going under in the next few years..


Prices in France are insane Electricity sky rocketed to the point where turning on the heat was stressful Eat or heat- etcétéras Here too we have the sudden shrinking packaging - they say it is to cut down on waste but it is sure to hide um camouflage the fact there is Less! For the same price And although French store and cage service is alreadyknown for it’s the customer is always wrong😂😂😂 it has become taboo to expect a napkin or that they wipe the table As if the job is just showing up….. So DEADBUG as I have said before your views are dead on Keep looking with that pertinent lense of yours — 🥂💪💪💪🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰


I've had two celebrity erotic dreams ever. Anthony Kiedis and Arnold Swarzenegger. I've always been embarrassed to talk about it. Thank you for inspiring me to never think about it again... "stay hungry little buddy" Omg laughing out loud.


Prices here are totally insane as well. Inflation, corporate greed, and stagnant living wages will be the death of us all. On a completely different note... I will never look at Arnold Schwarzenegger the same way again. Thanks Deadbug! 😂 Welcome, welcome all new Legion members, and hellooo to everyone! I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend!!


Deadbug you kill me,I'm crying here😂🤣😂🤣..You are bang on,i think society has gone bonkers.. How would today's generation get on back say after the war,people had to ration,the kept things..today it's a throw away society now.. Love you Deadbug,stay safe & take care 🤘🏻☮🙏🏻💜🤘🏻☮🙏🏻💜..


Marry me Deadbug🥰 what's the song? Is that Jhane Aiko or have I've drank too much prosecco?


Also, I'm already married. But I'm pretty sure 1st husband would be down if you have a pontoon boat


Who the fuck is Naomi August? Fuck her. I love her


Bye *in my Kent voice*


Nice one Db, The choice of tune at the end was classy (and appropriate to the topic of the ep haha)


I’ve never had a cat, but arm n hammer (clumping and dust free) largest box 38lbs is $28.00-$31.00 Gas currently is $3.49/gal Electricity has gone wayyyy up, our last electric bill (I live in a split level house, nothing new, big or fancy) was $550.00! Gallon of (organic) milk is $7.00-$8.00 Netflix is now charging $7.99 a month for users outside of your address (Are they going to track our usage and shut off people using the same accounts? I have my parents and my brother using our account in different states. Wtaf?) A pack of cigarettes is $13.00-$15.00 depending on the brand (I heard it may have gone up even more too) I live in Massachusetts. Hope you enjoy my research for you 💀🪲. Looking forward to your next TFTBD!


I hate what's going on in today's world. But I do love you 😁😘


You rock DB, I agree 💯 with everything you said.


Welcome all newbies!!


Here in Ontario, the cost of living has skyrocketed. As an example, my girlfriend and I bought a house in your old haunting ground (Mississauga) over a year ago and were paying over $1900 bi-weekly. Currently, we are now paying over $3300!!!. Then when you have to buy groceries for a family of 5, plus all the other necessities it makes things a struggle. I also completely agree with the fact that the grocery stores are trying to swindle us with packages that are smaller. Everything seems to be shrinking!!!


Hey deadbug! What is the song at the end of this? I've tried scanning it, and no luck Hope you are doing well


Love the exit song 🥰. And I live in Las Vegas Nevada and it is expensive here too everybody from California has moved here and our prices are so high just like California 😞.


Thank you for the inspiration! Yeah, they tried that "it's because of Ukraine, it's because of Covid supply issues (two years later)", prices on everything are up, and inflations up but no one is accountable. Hang in their DB


Hi! Your podcast inspires me to clean my house.


In buffalo, new york. Prices have doubled since 2020. A box of litter costs me $20 usd. On another note, considering most of the planet's population was vaccinated, this may be why humanity has gone nuts.


Oh yeah, they blame trump.