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They say no one can hear you scream in space for a reason!

Enjoy Or Not


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(No title)



On Wednesday, it felt like death by stomach bug for me. (Courtesy of my husband) We're both better now. Thanks for the new joint. ❤️


Thank you Deadbug!! Space flight disasters have always been a special interest of mine... can't wait to watch it when I get a break at work tonight! 🤩

James Herington

I remember the space shuttle challenger tragedy very well. Read the news on the radio station I worked for. 1986 was a bad year for me after that. May they all rest in peace


I remember watching the launch in school when I was a kid. That was a tough one to explain for the teachers I’m sure! Nice job Deadbug! Those eyebrows tho- 😳🫣🤣


Yeah, I remember the challenger as well. I was really into outer space then, as a kid. It was kind of a kick in the balls. But there's a lesson there. Even the biggest brained people can fuck everything up by ignoring a couple of 50¢ parts. Well, 50¢ to you and me. They were government O-rings, so maybe $5,000,000? Who knows.


Yo! This is insane. The footage of the kids in class watching the challenger is an insane find. Archive gold


Fucking loved this one DB! You have an insane ability to find the best footage! Excellent work sir!


Another great vid Deadbug! I grew up 30 min west of Cape Canaveral/ and the Kennedy Space Center. I had been checked out of 4th grade that day for a Dr.s appointment and my mom and I were standing outside watching the launch. It was a bad day for all.


I remember watching John Glenn orbiting the earth in 1962, in our fourth grade classroom. I saw the Challenger blow up on live TV as I was getting ready for work. I was late,that day. This was all way before I joined the eyebrow of the month club. It just happens when you get old. What can I say? I can’t say enough about your masterful talent. You have a way of taking me somewhere else, and evoking so many feelings, memories, and emotions. One question: did you really have audio of that conversation where they are say “it’s going down, it’s supposed to be going up”, etc. or was that you?


Applause. Sometimes nuff muff said


Great documentary Deadbug. Give yourself a pat on the back pal 👍


Excellent work DEADBUG


Bit of Black humour in there at 24:25 when a controller says 'It's coming down, shouldn't it be going up ?'.




DEADBUG only gets better !!! 💪


Great video DB! Love space stuff so this was pretty awesome for me. I remember they had the camera on the parents as it exploded and fell down. Must have been brutal to know your child is dead, and you saw it happen. Great job as always, thanks for creating this.


Amazing joint! Thank You DeadBug! This one made me feels! I remember watching the Challenger explode in school. The teachers lost their shit!!!! It was a very emotional and scary day as a 7yr old!


Wonderful, as always DB! Thank you!


Amazing as always Deadbug! That one got to me. I was just a little boy watching the challenger launch on PBS. Quite different now that I'm older. Thank you!


Did they dieded? That was great


Lmfao USA hasn't been to space


Love the history aspect! Great job Deadbug!! I'll take more death history!!


So good Dead Bug!


Death by Space: like murder but with more steps. Awesome piece!


Absolutely love this and the death by nature!! I thought I wouldnt really like the death by nature but they turned out to be my favorite 💙


At least in the Apollo fire they died almost instantaneously .I've always thought with death by fire I'd fear the amount of time it takes to die. Al;ways been a follower of the space programs.Born a month after the moon landing


You can add the Space Shuttle Columbia, 2003 to this list when that shit broke up in the atmosphere and scattered all over Texas killing all seven on board.