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Well, I guess it don't always happen in the " US OF A" because this morning (May 3) A 13-year-old boy walked into his school about about 8:15 am local time opened fire in a Belgrade classroom in an apparently well planned attack that killed eight children age 11-14 and a school security guard and injured a further six pupils as well as his teacher.

Police named the shooter as 13 year old Kosta Kecmanovic and said he had been a pupil at the school in the centre of the Serbian capital since 2019. They said he had used two of his father’s guns for the shooting and may have been plotting the attack for a month.

The head of Belgrade police, Veselin Milic, said the teenager also had two petrol bombs and “made a list of kids he planned to kill and their classes”, Milic said, identifying the dead pupils as seven girls and a boy born 11-14.

“The sketch looks like something from a video game or a horror movie and was very detailed who he wanted to kill and why, by classes, whom to liquidate,” yep he said liquidate!

13 year old Kosta Kecmanovic was arrested in the school playground calmly sitting on a swing eating a candy bar after confessing to the shooting and led away with his head covered, fired first at the security guard and three girls in a hallway, then walked into a history class and shot the teacher and five pupils, Milic said.

Several friends said he had high grades and was good and well behaved and quite not like other boys his age.

Serbia’s interior minister, Bratislav Gašić, said the boy’s father had also been arrested. “The father claimed the arms were locked in a safe with a code,” (clearly not that safe)  “but apparently the kid had got the code. He took the pistols and three magazines with 15 bullets each.”

The education minister, Branko Ružić, declared three days of mourning, ambulance staff wept as they removed bodybags, with one doctor saying “the most horrifying experience I have had as a doctor and as a human being”.

Milan Milošević, the father of a pupil at the Vladislav Ribnikar primary school, said his daughter was in the class where the gun was fired. “She managed to escape. the kid … first shot his teacher and then started shooting randomly blowing the shit out of certain students on his hit list while sparing others including his best friend,”

One of the student's father, said he rushed to the school after hearing of the shooting, added: “I saw the security guard lying under the table. I saw two girls with blood on their shirts.

A pupil who was in a sports class downstairs when the gunfire erupted told local media: “I was able to hear the shooting. It was non-stop. I didn’t know what was happening. We were receiving some messages on the phone saying get out run.”

The pupil, who was not named, described the suspect as a “quiet guy” who “looked nice”. She said he had “good grades, but we didn’t know much about him. He was not so open with everybody. Surely I wasn’t expecting this to happen.”

An interior ministry statement said eight children and a security guard had been killed and six children had been taken to hospital, along with the teacher. Milan Nedeljković, the local mayor, said doctors were fighting to save the teacher’s life.

Nedeljković said the school security guard had probably prevented more deaths by putting himself in the line of fire and reportedly had a magazine emptied in him for his trouble with a trail of blood showing he'd attempted to escape the onslaught. He “wanted to prevent the tragedy, and was the first victim”, Nedeljković told reporters outside the school.

The head of Belgrade’s university hospital, Milika Asanin, said it was treating three pupils and the teacher. He said: “One patient was brought back to life several times. He had chest injury and a neck injury. One pupil was shot in the left leg, one in the stomach and both arms. The teacher has a stomach injury and injuries to both hands.”

Mass shootings in Serbia, and in the wider Balkan region, are extremely rare (don't they always say that?). None have been reported at schools in recent years. In 2013, a Balkan war veteran killed 14 people in the central Serbian village of Velika Ivanca with an apparent beef with his Government.

Interesting to note that Serbia has very strict gun laws and authorities have issued several amnesties for owners to hand in or register illegal guns, but experts have warned repeatedly about the danger from hundreds of thousands of illegal weapons left in the region following the wars and civil unrest of the 1990s (so good luck with that).

Well everybody it's a fucked up world and continues to get more fucked up!




FUCK! This shit is fucked up! I better not hear any rumblings of a conspiracy from the legion. If you think it is keep that shit to yourself. Damn this world is fucked. Sorry for ranting y’all. If y’all need me I’ll be over here watching anime and not thinking about the world


Everyone wants to be just like Americans! 😕


Wind back to the 1990's and mass shootings were very popular with Serbians and Croats. We called them "ethnic cleansings" back then & Serbia is still the fucked up bunny of the Balkans The president Aleksandar Vučić is a complete greaseball Putin fanboy , who will no doubt use the war in Ukraine as a cover for further "expansion" in Kosovo if he thinks he can get away with it . I'm truly sorry for the kids but that country hasn't a great history .


Kids in this world deserve so much better than to live in fear of getting massacred for just going to school. Fuck... 😔


Just now, active shooter in Atlanta. They have cctv but haven’t caught him yet. Fuck!


Surprised there aren't more. A Croatian friend of mines dad still has his AK-47 from the war days.


This is the state of the world we live in. Unfortunately it's only going to get worse I hate to say. These poor families.


That’s right. Americans are obsessed with the mass murdering of young children just because.


Sad to say I agree with you. It is the fallen state of the world. I can’t imagine the pain and suffering the families are feeling right now and forever.


Speaking of the fucked up bunny, have you seen A Serbian Film? An co-worker handed me a dvd disc that was labeled “do not watch”. Ugh