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I know there have been severe storms in Mississippi, Alabama and Texas on Friday and I sincerely hope all my Brothers and Sisters in these areas's are okay, been a shit couple of years I know this is the last thing that you all need.

Please if any of you are in these hit areas feel free to share your experience.





I'm safe and sound in cold, snowy Southwest Montana. Everyone in the south, stay safe


I’m not sure if he referenced you then or Montana. Real talk DB. Like people aren’t dealing with enough! Hoping all those affected come thru ok!


I hope all is well and your family is staying warm, Betty! I heard you guys have more snowstorms coming throughout the weekend 🥶


Actually, it's supposed to snow all week except Monday. Everyone here is sssooo ready for spring. Stay safe down there in Texas.


I was saying to myself leaving work yesterday morning how lovely the rain was... I had no idea. I guess the last three false alarms earlier this month have me desensitized already 😅


yah, and get it on video


Holy cow! I'm sure you guys are used to it up there... but I'm way too much of a procrastinator and would probably forget to snow survival prep. I'd win the Darwin award by day 3! 🏆😂


At least we're not going to have subzero temperatures this time. 😆


Well if you do, you're welcome to fly south for the winter-spring down here! We'd love to have you! 🤘


Here in North Florida we’re normally well shielded from tornadoes but we’re usually sweating Hurricane season at least once a year.


We are in SoCal in the San Bernardino County Mountains in Lake Arrowhead. Got about 11 feet of snow in a week and a half. Finally dug out about a week ago. The County was not prepared for this amount of snow.


I hope everyone stays safe!!!


Do you remember the massive F4 tornado near Toronto in 1985? Yeah. That's why I'm tornado phobic.


By any chance is your first name Shellie? It surprised me to see a fellow San Bernardino person and it happens to be I know a lovely young lady named Shellie Burke who resides in Big Bear I believe. I hope it's you. But if not hello anyways I'm your neighbor over in Rialto.


Hi Stephanie, my name is Sharon, not Shellie. Sorry! Nice to meet you! Rialto is not too far from us. Did you get snow down there when we were pounded up here? I know San Bernadino did.


I just saw something about it on the news. Absolutely terrifying


It was in barrie in 1985. I remember it being black as night in the afternoon. Like 8 people died.


When you say Barrie, of course I remember it now, it blew the shit outta that town, Toronto, Mississauga and Oakville allot less so!


My friend's family were visiting from Scotland. Sitting on the couch. Probably having a cup of tea and a chocolate biscuit, thinking "well that's a gale alright". Went right through the floor. Dead.


I have a Brother in Alabama, thankfully he is ok


I live in the Bluegrass State, and while there's no tornado's thankfully, its been windy as fuck the last several days. All kinds of broken tree limbs in most of the places I've passed by. There was 2 huge limbs that fell in my backyard as well. Bless those who are in the tornados paths!


I was in Jarrell TX in 1997 during a F5 tornado so I absolutely despise the fuckin things. I hope everyone stayed safe during the recent storms.


Did,t you guys have a tornado, too? Very uncharacteristic of Southern California!


Holy shit, when was the last time it snowed there before this? I didn’t think you guys ever got snow in San Bernardino