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In this (As always) PATREON EXCLUSIVE episode of getting GETTING TO KNOW THE DEAD, I talk about Tipper Gore, NETFLIX new direction of nothing ever really bad happened and it is just our imagination, a serial killer fan who decided to try it herself, that and so much more on this episode with yours truly!





Huh didn't know I could edit


Outro song?


Love everything you put out, love the fact you're on Rumble now as it's so based and allows anything legal to be said...fuck Susan W, also i love that you speak so much against the woke bullshit they lay on us daily with fake MSM......fuck the WEF/NWO, stay sane everyone in these troubled times where the prices are to strip your wealth and get you on a digital currency benefit they control.


I learnt everything I needed to know about being a successful serial killer from Deadbug vidyas ....12 now and counting, thanks buddy


In Texas the meat is what got really expensive. Half a pound of beef is $14.00 to $17.00 bucks


Yeah. Sick world hiding facts and actions behind gobbledy gook doublespeak. Plenty ugly history no matter colour of your skin. Propoganda planet like you said.


the only way this will end is when an institution in power, let’s say the record label on this situation, says, “okay. we hear you. now let’s see some evidence before I cancel this humans life.” so, never, cause money is all that matters.


that fucking cunt only got 23 years for first degree murder? what the fuck?


Prices thru the roof ,food shortages etc ere in NZ ,am on Rumble (just got to retrieve password ,how do I get up to the five dollar tier ??(Jack Luna &DEADBUG joint )


I'm a huge Marilyn Manson fan, have been since the 90s and have been called a rapist apologiser and an enabler for saying I'll wait till the accusations are properly investigated before making a decision on what's fact and what isn't. I used to call myself a feminist but no more. Feminism is just another term for misandry now. Everyone with a vagina is just automatically believed and people's lives are being destroyed due to this. Also, don't forget, that not only are Marilyn Manson and Johnny Depp best mates so are Evan Wood and Amber Heard. Feminists shout about women being heard but only if they agree with them. Disagree and you're verbally abused. I was once accused of being a man pretending to be a woman due to calling out blatant misandry. The world is going to shit faster than a retard with IBS.


Churr brother (NZ for thanks mixed with cheers , ya a keyboard warrior smart man ...


Every time I hear the name Topper Gore, I think of Eminem lyric "Fuck you, Tipper Gore" and then immediately I picture her screaming on TV, surrounded by an agrry mob. Of course, I was only a teen when this happened and she got the Explicit Language label put on every NOT Will Smith CD, Cassette Tape & Album put out, but I remember thinking great! Now I need my mom to buy my cds until I'm 18?? Are you freakn kidding me?! Bad enough movie theaters would make us get parents to buy tickets for HORROR movies.... But music too now? I hated her lol!


Hey, totally agree, although I never called myself a Feminist, I truly think the only good feminist was the "first wave" and the rest was all bullshit. But that's another comment for another time 😉 I'm just sooooooo glad the case against Manson is slowly falling to shit, as it should have never been a thing to begin W. ERW is a clout seeking, lying hookah who was mad he dared to move on without her. She makes me sick with her lies and bs that is easy to find the truth about. It just makes me mad and my blood pressure has already been raised enough this week 👀 I haven't watched Cln Klutz in a bit (ever since she had that clown from Pod Awful on, i just have a hard time watching her), but I seen a post on her Insta saying one of the broads whose name I forgot and don't care enough to remember had come out and said it was all a lie and was now speaking out against ERW and telling the real real.


Deadbug I totally agree with what you are saying,i thought it was just me,i thought i was going mad lol.. talking of tomatoes I'm growing my own,started growing veg last year..and I am really enjoying it,it's better than what I used to do..it relaxes me,takes away my anxieties & worries,it has such a calming affect on me,infact I'm listening to you in my garden..A friend of mine bought me a green house,bless her..it's not a glass one it's like a thick plastic..I am making the most of the weather today(Sat 14th april)..


Fuck the PRMC, they went after Jello Biafra.


I stopped watching Mr. Ballen because he was getting so boring 😂


You on the other hand make me laugh like hell and it's never boring. Your work is awesome. Don't ever stop doing what your doing ❤️


Thank you and no one will ever accuse me of being "too nice of a guy"


I love it 😂 you just tell it like it is and that's why I like you so much. Keep going 😂