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On this as always PATREON only I get all goofy and talk about a school shooting of a different kind, I share a couple of very traumatic childhood incidents, flooding in Cali, my new years and what are some of the dating turn offs that will seal your deal into loneliness, that and sooooo my more on this episode of GETTING TO KNOW THE DEAD.

Id also like to welcome all new PATREONS and please say hi and introduce yourself in the comments!

Enjoy Or Not!





Hey bro everyone is a fucking critic. You don’t need to defend yourself or your work. Fuck them, we don’t want them or need them! Simple small minded cunts are every where!


with regards to doc das.. i think what gets certain peoples goats is the huge amount of him and his channel advertised in the intro's. .. other than that he's excellent with DB .. just cutting a bit of his self promotion might help but hey.. if people know they dont like him.. awww they can click on another video

Gilena Simons

Mr Bug. You are brave and you are true. It saddens me that anyone would take their time to tell you any different. Please remember they are douche bag pussy biatches and totally lame. I have a treasure trove of all to true stories and have documented them over the years. Should you wish to access them for any reason, it would be that they are f6cking hilarious telenovelas featuring some of the sickest travesties of police forces on two continents, and why I am so happily retired in W2 5BE. Perhaps in a different realm and as a different sort of character, I would myself approach Netflix. As it stands, I see my home here as my factory somewhat a la Gene Wilder’s in the original movie. No one ever comes in and I rarely go out. Yet the stories remain and keep and age very well. Mr Bug, so shines your talent in suck a messed up world. Keep going.


I'm English, ex-RAF, never really liked the Royal bullshit, the odd one..well only one really who works and keeps her head down is Anne, the rest are fucking leeches, parasites and this jug eared c**t on the throne now is owned by the Rothchilds WEF, the UK is most defineately NOT in safe hands with that other WEF puppet Sunak...apart from that everything is shits and giggles here.


I'm another love of the collabs, also love your solo stuff.


Awesome stuff


Hey legion, is there a way to sort the posts? I’m a visual guy so I wanna watch the patreon exclusive vids lol


His book will be Number 1 on the sales list BUT I did find out that is not based on how many books are sold but how many books the store ordered…… tbh I will judge anyone buying this crap as harshly as I judge a person for buying Hannah Gatsby books. Junk food for the brain, the literary equivalent of bored housewives mags…..


Hey you, welcome welcome! It's easier to do this through your internet browser, not the app. What I usually do is use the search bar (tucked under the page's banner) and set the Media Type > Video. Patreon's search engine can be a bit rudimentary, but separately searching words "exclusive", "master", and "directors cut" get you 99.9% of all the Patreon exclusives. Hope that helps!


In Canada a goof is the worst thing you can call someone, it means you're calling them a pedophile, just saying! I think all those people who say shit about you are goofs. I love everything that you put out. Emma


I happen to enjoy the Dr. And of course I love you Dead Bug. 🥰💙. Long and dirty nails or bad breath are definitely a deal breaker for me.


I like Dr. Sohom Das collab. Like a good band you should keep experimenting and doing different stuff. Quality is top notch and the content is always interesting and entertaining.


I like everything you do, even if I don’t always agree with you. Who couldn’t love your brain 🧠?


Thank you so much, even though I didn’t ask the question, I’ve wanted to know.


Thank you, you can’t imagine how much hate I took for those collaborations.