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Generally don't like to explain why I do things and the work that goes into the things that I do, but my Diagnosis to murder is more work than my average joints, in fact I was working on this one only two hours before I boarded a flight and rush backed causing me to forget most of my shit that I had to re-buy!

It is interesting that someone on YT, a platform where people watch my content for free and I receive nothing for my efforts labels me as "LAZY"

I have said this a few times now but my collaborations with Dr Das exist because the doctor reached out to me to collaborate and I thought it added another element to my channel, I do not agree with allot of things that Das. said but I am interviewing him asking his "professional" opinion on things. I could say what I think of gun control or why I think these shootings are happening but that is not the purpose of the film.

These take allot of work and when I see comments like this I feel used and hurt and figure I should have been enjoying my Christmas down time like everyone else instead of working to provide constant content.

The difference between Lazy and not Lazy is not based on whether you enjoy something or not.

These collaborations are not to everyones taste but these help the channel and my PATREON grow.





Bro... I'm sure people could call you allot of things, but Lazy?... Wut The Fuck? I like those new videos cause it gives a nice counter-balance. Thanks for all the awesome films, we know you put your heart and soul into this.


HOLY FUCK YOU LAZY PRICK I'M APPALLED IN THE LACK OF EFFORT IM SEEING ĐƏAĐBUG! Yep lazy is having literly the population of small city 52.8k in YTUBE subs watching ĐƏAĐBUG SAY'S! That's no where near lazy that's RESPECT and POWER thousands and thousands of ears listening and fingers & mouths spreading the ĐƏAĐBUG'S GOSPEL & V.D Herpatitus C ect ect u get the point lol You have used yer talents the way you see fit it's your dream world bro & and you got the gift to show and tell what REAL FUCKING NIGHTMARES ARE ALL FUCK'N ABOUT!! NOT NO TIM BURTON'S ACID FANTASY BS IT'S THE REAL THIS COULD OF BIN YOU CAN STILL HAPPEN TO YOU NIGHTMARES! They say the pencil is mightier then the sword ĐƏAĐBUG has used his pen ship countless times threw the years and allready proven himself his art has proved it countless times.  52.8k is no joke of actual free minded people able to think on there own and not join cuz the fucking Kardashians said "ĐƏAĐBUG'S SO KEWL & CRA CRA!" Like chew on a brick  Kardashians u pointless soul sucking(& other things) banshees that you are are!!!  Uhhhh oya 52.8k that's a ĐƏAĐBUG ARMY OR over 50 DEPRAVED BADASS ĐƏAĐBUG BIKER CHAPTER'S WITH 5000+ members each one that could possibly one day take over and become a country and have millions a LEGONAIRE can only dream lol .  FINALY WE GET TO THE  1️⃣0️⃣0️⃣0️⃣➕ LOYAL LEGIONNAIRE'S patrons on here THAT IS THE CHOSEN ONES that would gladly sacrifice there local pedophiles one day a year and declare it ĐBUG-ĐAY to show the THE AMOUNT OF  APPRECIATION GRATITUDE LOVE AND RESPECT THAT ONLY GIVIN TO PEOPLE LIKE YOU THE GREAT ONE MAN ONLINE DICTATORSHIP THEY CALL ĐƏAĐBUG! SKOLL🍻! LONG LIVE ĐƏAĐBUG AND THE WORDS HE SPEAKS THAT ENTERTAINS AND EDUCATED THE LIKES OF US THAT TRULY HAVE GOT TO EXPERIENCE SOMETHING LIKE THIS! SO FUCK THOSE HATERS MAN! They jus mad cuz u doin what you do and they pissed they dint think of the style like yers first and pisses em twice as bad cuz if they do they look like posers. HOLY FUCK THAT WAS GOOD FUCKING WEED THAT MADE ME SPEAK WITH HART AND DEEP FELT EMOTION TIME TO PUT THIS OUT!!! Lmfao jus do what u do ĐƏAĐBUG and stay at it cuz if u do you will out last all these quick fads & half the popular influencers ither be in jail for fraud or some fucked up sick shit u will end up maken a video about them and what they did or washed up. I'm done I'm shutting up and will prolly toss another big speech like this in the future but till then KEEP ON KEEPIN ON BRO!


And it bothers me that assholes like this exist. Why even leave shitty comments. If he feels that way, click off and go the fuck on! ...and Deadbug, if I haven't said it enough....you're fkin amazing, kick ass content, and I mean it! Your s%$#if fkin good, like no other. Don't even entertain jackasses such as him. Misery loves company..that what he is, lonely and miserable and probably sucks at this thing called life. What a douche. Deadbug...🤍💯👍


I say Fuck him ! Keep doing what you are doing you are very much loved and appreciated 🥰💙


Can't make 'em all happy. As DB always says, ....'Enjoy, or not'.