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It's the end to the year and Im here to address the vicious rumours going around about me, talk about a malicious dog who burnt down a house, why New Years sucks, a turtle who crossed the wrong dude, a crypto kings bail and why it's fucking insane!

PS IM Joking about trans rumour.

Enjoy Or Not





maybe. or maybe voice actors should get into taking a leaf from DB´s book. maybe they´d do better at what they do then.


Tracy =) Animals offer unconditional love and for the same reason they are my best companions 🖤🖤🖤 I am so proud of you for all you have been through and three years clean! 24 hours clean is a task in itself =).


Awesomeness!!Cheers Deadbug!!time flys alright!!&yeah apparantly there’s a trip like mushrooms/peyote if you 👅 lick a (Australian )cane toads 🐸 back😮😂but no personal experience with that one (just the two prior mentions😉!)


Love you DB ♥️


Happy NYE All


Happy New Year Deadbug! I'll be just chilling at home. All the best to the Legion in 2023!


You are the BEST! I wish you did a daily show 😍


Well gee whiz! I can’t believe you mentioned transitioning! My friend invited me to Christmas dinner with her family, who I’ve spent lots of time with throughout my 69 years. Yeah, that’s what I said. I’m the gristle in the back row. Anyway, I could write a short story, but I won’t. The big burly 6’4” father, who is built like a linebacker, was wearing a dress and had heavy eye make up on. He’s always had long hair and a beard. Still has both. I didn’t think too much about it because they are a bunch of new age hippies. They even had some vegan options for dinner. So they all had guesses as to what he/she changed her/his name to. First it was Frank, then Frankie. The big name reveal was Hannah Rose. Alrighty then! Nothing phases me anymore, well, except that huge earthquake that hit us last week! Rock and roll!


😀 I'd love to see u adopt ur feminine side with that voice u have. Glbt+DB Then u could apply make up and do what u do. Nazi Susan would love u.


Thank you Deadbug. Happy new year😁


I spent Christmas alone and will spend new years alone, but for new years I'll have a bottle of vodka. My friend in NJ had a shitty Christmas. On Christmas DAY her brother infected her mom and dad with covid. My friend, her aunt and her cousin aren't yet infected but they're all in the same house so it's just a matter of time.. HAPPY NEW YEAR Deadbug and all!


I am a new listener from Utah and enjoy the show and just upgraded to the ten doller tier so anyway you said if we had any bad experiences on Christmas to let you know so here it goes but remember you asked during your podcast this isn't me feeling sorry for myself although I might but only inwardly first of all my grandfather passed away approx 15 yrs ago on Christmas Eve it has always been a sad day for me but I have managed to always make the best of it however this year I'm kinda going thru a devorse but still participate in supporting the step kids and wife and on Christmas morning I was about to go see my beautiful sweet loving mother when I answered my phone to a call from the police stating that they had just found my mother died 830 am marry Christmas to me they asked me to hurry and get to her place. And I do only to sit in agony all day in my truck only to be told the coroner deemed it a determined death meaning they are taking her for an autopsy which they did and did not give me a chance to see her before as things have been I barley put dinner on the table check to check and keep our bills payed and had managed to put 500 for Christmas making me flat broke and not a cent to have a funeral or anything but am managing to get it handled slowly I asked the cremation place if I could see her before they do it and was told no unless I pay like 3000 for an autopsy re-construction I barley pulled 1.000 together to have that done but have zero options I ask myself how is this fucking legal because it sure is not right I was told I had no choice in the autopsy at all but shouldnt the coroner at the very least put presous our loved ones back as they found them instead of holding our loved ones hostage till we pay out our asses you opinion or input and possibly a shout out would turn this all around for me your the man Sincerely your loyal dedicated listener thank you..


OMG! My condolences Tracy!!! I sincerely hope you're finding some healing and comfort during such a difficult time. 🙏💙


Deadbug you should get into voice acting. Easy money.


Tracy you poor thing it sounds like you have had a rough go at it, Im really sorry you have had to go through so much crap!


Thank you for taking the time to read and respond, I'm okay I think there are a lot of people out there who have it alot worse than I do so I shouldn't complain you and jack keep me company while I'm at work on my graveyard shift thank you for that. I relate to the true crime stuff I guess because I relate to it because I've done so much prison time in federal and state prison in my drug days I now have 3 yrs clean and am still in the milts of getting my life turned around my life is a little boring and lonely at times my cats are awesome they were wild when I caged them at my work as kittens and I tamed them and got them healthy it's pretty cool to see how different they're personalities are, I never thought I would be a cat person I've always had put bulls but I couldn't stand seeing them freez and starve at my work in the winter so I took them home and fell in love Take care dead bug