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Tell you the truth....I don't know what to say anymore Here.. If you take a life cause that's what gets you off...you should you should die too And Multiple people...you get brought back to life and die again ECT...


This is absolutely heartbreaking. I'm at a lose to comment further. Thx DB for this sensitive post.


Just terrible


these ones always hit the heart hard, great piece as always deadbug

Laura Adams

What a beautiful little girl. I bet her stepmom feels horrible, my heart goes out to them.

Laura Adams

also, let me start this by saying I am not a Karen and do not point out grammar issues. However, I think it is funny that the perv, we all know and love, called Deadbug, spelled any word with the letters SEX in it incorrect lol! That being said, maybe you don’t do the captions. If that's the case, disregard lol


Thank you Deadbug, I've been following this case and it's just so tragic. People like him need to die. We need to protect our children at any cost. I can only imagine the guilt the stepmother feels. I do have one question, I heard the father was on a hunting trip when they found her body. Does that mean he never came home while she was missing or did he leave on the trip while she was missing? No victim blaming just curious. I can't imagine either scenarios though if my child was missing.


Brutal case. Those who hurt the youth are the worst scum on the planet. This was a good joint DB. Did you see Issei Sagawa finally died?


I do everything, perhaps that's why it is wrong, most times I am rushing to get things out to you so mistakes happen, even with big networks, but Im guessing it didn't hinder your enjoyment in any way.


Excellent video thank you Deadbug


Burn this fucker


Yes, execution by fire.


so sad!! They need to swing this mofo from a tree in the couthouse yard!! Cut his ittle bitty prick off first and shove it in his disgusting ass mouth first!