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Tonight my Fred and Rose West collaboration has just this minute been released over on Dr Das's channel, as you know allot of haters will show up but I would grateful if all of you may spend a moment to drop a comment in his comments section. As most of you know Im shadow banned on YOUTUBE and my sub rate has gone down from about 1500 a month to just over 300 so word of mouth is all I have now.

Thank you





I will go there this very minute, DB. 👍🏼


Done...I also called out "wolf man mark" for being a bitch




I went, I saw, I dropped! A comment, that is! ✌☺


Yep, Done!😉


Consider it done Deadbug. I just hope he doesn't try to kiss the camera with his lips. That kinda freaked me out. I hope he never does that again. LoL


I think he may have deleted his comment 😊(air high five 🖐️)


YouTube is doing you dirty, DB. Your dark humor and no nonsense delivery makes your shows entertaining to listen to. For too long we had to listen to Podcasters drone on while reading Wikipedia entries. I learned a lot about cases I never heard of through you and with the disturbing details the "family friendly" podcasters leave out. Oh yeah and it's cool you were in the Toronto area in the past! Wish I caught your casting from that era!


Deadbug he has only did it once that I saw....his lips 💋 the cam. Yikes...LoL. He's doing better, kisses his two fingers which is a lot better. But having lips trying to kiss the screen...no please!! LoL I hope that you have a great weekend! 😉


Deadbug's uncompromising, world-weary exposition is the perfect contrast to Dr. Das' formally educated insight. It's fun how their personalities bounce off each other


I like Dr Das on a personal level, in the U.K he is all over the place on T.V, he is young, good looking intelligent guy who had the balls to ask me to collaborate and say he is a fan. I have lost track of how many very big channels PM me on twitter saying what big fans they are and how they are humbled by what I do, and they ask for advice, what software I use and yet when they are out there trading compliments with TC and the other big boys not once have they mentioned me, they copy me, give no credit yet in private say how great I am. Das has balls and I respect him for that.


Fantastic! I love these!


So late, but I went and I love these collaborations 🤘🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻


It’s wicked how you get these people to blink and stuff . Creeps the fuck out of me . Love ya Deadbug 🤪