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My good buddy and a great supporter of what I do, is doing a live stream tonight and he will be showing some of my STRANGE THINGS episodes live and I think it is going to be a blast and I am going to try and show up and say hi but please click on the link because I need all the support I can get and maybe we can rustle up some new LEGION members.


Be there or be square!!!




Ur a square Db you get that last joke I sent?


Notification turned on!, I'll be there^^


I told that one to my great grandfather before he died. Always brings a tear to my eye!


He is the reason I found you deadbug... and I always been a reasonably big supporter ;) all hail the hidden underbelly. But I guess that area will need quite a bit of washing indeed.


Cool! Thanks!


I listened for a while but my comment part stopped working. There weren’t many people tuned in. Then my internet went out, but after they played one of your Stranger Things!


Deadbug, I'm trying to post a comment telling you I liked the Jack Luna piece, but app closes, can post here, but not on the Jack Luna piece