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This just happened last Friday of a 12 year old child in Paris France and this is one creepy fucking murder, just the CCTV footage looks like a Demon took the child


(No title)



Terrifying.. disgusting.. those people make me sick 🤮 I hope this beautiful girl and her family get justice and the demons get everything they deserve and more.


You'll have an endless supply of stories like these, it seems like the deplorables are multiplying like rabbits

Mindy La Haye

What a waste. A waste of an innocent life, and 4 wastes of space. So sorry that this happened to Lola.


RIP Lola Our world/governments only care about the vote Not the people


So sad, this 'diversity' that's been forced on Western Europe is a crime in itself, hopefully Marine le Pen wins outright in France soon to show the criminals who forced this mass invasion on us that we've had enough....RIP little angel.


Catch em, cage em and execute em. No mercy for these animals. Viva Le Pen. Rest in peace little girl.


That poor girl,i can't imagine the brutal torture she went through,just twelve years old. How scared she was,fear going through her..I can imagine I have seen enough gore video's,but it's hard to imagine a twelve year old going through it. That cold hearted bitch smiling & saying about her parents. It's a sick twisted world we live in. My heart goes out to the parents,i don't know how they even begin to process something like this,i just hope they have got a good support system around them. And what's justice in a case like this??..I guess one thing is hopefully the scum will be taken off the streets,hopefully more. Twelve man,i will never get my head around it. The amount of children killed & discarded like rubbish breaks my soul.. Thanks Deadbug,hope you are keeping well,you & your loved ones,have a great day & Take care 🤘🏻🤘🏻


Unfuckingbelievabl!!! The shit a human mind can think of to do to children may the worthless fuckd behind this, get a cosmic sized heap of Karma befall their asses!!


I’m back! I’m so sorry I disappeared for a few months. I was having some financial difficulties + chronic health issues + a lot of other malarkey, so my account automatically failed. 😣 I’ve waited to get back to a more comfy spot, so that I can re-commit to The Legion! I hope everyone is well. I apologize for being off topic and being long winded! 🥴


Hey Case welcome back, you were missed, I hope things are better for you.


Thank you, kind sir. This week, so far, so good. I’m feeling comfy and content. Everything’s gonna be alright. 😊


Good, keep that attitude and it will, we are all here for you!


HOw dArE yOu, SiR... HOw AbsoLuTeLy DarE yOu! Diversity is our strength! 😉🥴🙄 The fact that they keep pushing this bullshit is just more proof they don't GAF about the citizens of their country and just keep letting the floodgates remain wide open


Ugh, heartbreaking, such a little girl having to go through that. So fkn sad. And how downright disgusting for that pos to say what she said and justified it with her seeing her parents killed as a child... Like fuuuck you! That should make someone want to protect children MORE! But this gross "all about me" bullshit is only getting worse. I can't imagine having absolutely no heart bc you were traumatized as a child. Fix your life and get your shit together.... Not go out and torture an innocent child because you had something awful happen to you. That just makes zero fkn sense to me.


talking about immigrants is like talking about black crime! No liberal puke wants to admit the fukin truth!! It's a fuked up backwards ass world we're in. Too bad it's children and the innocent paying the price from these freaks! Like the Wichita Massacre. They have tried their best to sweep it away so people don't know what the Carr brothers did because they were black and the victims white!!! Where is the justification in that BS?


Woahhh!!Im speechless!!(&Kevin B,Em summ it up !!!