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I hope everyone is okay? Anyone have any good stories?





I imagine a lot of the survivors still don’t have power, so we won’t hear from them for a while. 😢


Wishing all those affected well, spent a great time in Fort Walton/Destin years ago, beautiful mems, Kamala Harris did her party no favors making it political about where aid money would be allocated, disgusting woman, my prayers are with the affected who got hit by Ian.


I'm not anywhere close to Florida but here in Wyoming we're getting hit with a major thunderstorm,,,it looks like a small hurricane here but we're used to what yall call high winds 🙂 & about 30 miles from me its snowing,,hoping the hunters stay safe. Sending prayers to all that are affected by Ian! I watch the news & see the winds & it makes me thankful for our wind. Winter its nothing to get a few feet of snow with 70mph winds & higher gusts along with below -0° temps! But I can't imagine living through a large hurricane!! Stay safe yall!


Not a story but I picked up a second job recently at our local self serve tap house.


The in-laws recently moved to Florida and I guess their house really was hurricane proof because they live in Cape Coral about a block away from the actual Beach all their neighbors pretty much got their roofs taken off and all that construction and Bricks flying all over the place and they hunker down and everything was fine no flooding just very high winds they were very lucky


🖤🖤Deadbug!! Search "Cropsey" - right up your alley. It'll fuck you up. Sick sick SICK mf'er.🖤🖤


Ah dang. I missed the title. Didn't mean to disrespect anyone that suffered through Ian!! I just saw "anyone have any good stories?" - Sorry y'all. 🥺


There was a murder in Crothersville Indiana back in the 90s . A little girl named Katie Coleman. Her father got some revenge on one of the murders.

James Herington

I live in the Western part of the state, so it hasn't come close to us. Yet, my condolences to those who suffered from it. Very sad, indeed


Omg, I feel crazy. I saw the “have any stories” question and my mind went to murders but I think he was asking about Ian… he can’t blame us and our minds hahah


I live in jersey but I am a lineman they are sending some of us down for the recovery efforts


You should do a story on the Delphi murders of the two girls


They jus caught the guy that did the DELPHINE murders finaly. I always felt child predators should be put on a island with other EXSTREAM predators and given a wood club and have viagra in there drinking water and no food so they literally get a taste of there own sickening medicine till they die hopfully from being killed and ate, they would have to be a real sick smart tuff fuck to die of old age on a island like that.