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This is not a re-version this is a new version, I disliked my last effort and made what I am sure you will all agree is one of my best!

P.S, this is so fresh you'll burn your mouth on it as I just finished 5 minutes before posting after a very long week editing, if there are any errors it is because I have yet to check through it but will fix later.

Enjoy Or Not


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(No title)



Who else in the whole wide world would have experience cutting out pussies! A cow nurse! You made my day!


I haven’t seen the first one yet, but this was outstanding! I’m glad I wore my earbuds because there were a few times where you suddenly made a loud noise, which scared the crap out of me! You are the creator of heaven and earth, and of course, hell! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


Thank you Deadbug. The man The legend


When Jaded July and I go on a long drive together, Deadbug playlists are the go-to for listening we can both enjoy


When the sick fuck brings God into it then dam it ,it should be an eye for an eye !!!!


I don't remember ever seeing this one, so it's like a brand new episode for me. Thank you Deadbug!。⁠◕⁠‿⁠◕⁠。


Oops, I didn't even see the "not a re-vision" part that's how excited I was just to start watching it! lol I do agree with you, this is one your best ones ♡


Crazy shit, wow! Can't make this shit up! Fukin freaks in this world! Great job as always DB!! You are the man!


Deadbug,,, how does a dead ZipperHead stuffed in burlap rice sacks with breasteses and pussy cut out look like a religious icon?... And was there a jizz smoothie?


Hi Legion, excuse me one minute while I let out a primordial scream.....ok I'm back. Ya know DB, the creative process is just that, a process. So when you redo something I know I'm in for a whole new Bug experience. Just when you think you can't bear anymore DB pushed the envelope just a little. What kind of twisted cocksucking, ass defiling defective trashbag mutilates like he did....this is why as I've gotten older I don't want creatures like this breathing anymore of my air. If they need something to study I'll buy them a plant. Otherwise, execute all mother fuckers like this in the slowest most painful way possible. Whew... I feel better now NOT. Thanks DB for another masterpiece.


Now I'm taking liberty and some may not agree but I really don't give a fuck cuz this is near to my heart. Her Majesty the Queen passed away last week and she was the only queen I've ever known and no matter how heartless some may think I am, her death effected me profoundly.


Late to the party, my world and brain has been ultra busy lately. There’s something about watching your videos and getting ready for the day. It goes hand in hand 😬😂 another great joint DB


I'm American and it even hurt ME! The Queen was a wonderful woman. And she reigned for 70 years! I loved her outfits, and she was always smiling. She really was a great leader. Her sons gave her a little trouble, but whose kids don't!? May she rest in peace. ❤️ 👸🏻