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I still see this sort of thumbnail everywhere (creator interacting and looking shocked or scared in an over the top way you wouldn't in real life) and although I steer clear of ever clicking on something that is so forced and staged  (to me at least) I still see very large channels doing it and Im wondering if I am missing out on a trick here. Are the channels who do this being ironic, do they see it as being a bit camp and silly? Because I see all of them do it including the likes of TC and other notables I can't remember their names.

I take pride in making thumbnails that are more cinematic and sometimes spend hours on them using costly software but I wonder if me just doing something on a free app and spending a couple of minutes on it might bring me more clicks as it is a hidden code for the TRUE CRIME fraternity.


Im serious, being shadow banned aside, I do wonder what peoples expectations are when they are clicking through content because their is so much out their to choose from.




I can't stand mr ballen such a sell out and he puts zero effort into his stories now... Went from five days a week upload to three to two to once a week but his spotifu podcast he probably was paid a million for he does every day....


For a laugh, give your Skull and headphones a “hand over mouth shocked” face


I think the douche nozzles just love to show their faces. Also yes, very cheesy.


Oh, god no! Please, just be yourself. Honestly, I have no idea if that would bring in more viewers. If you did do something like that, I know it would be a lot more creative! I don’t usually choose a video by its thumbnail, so I probably shouldn’t be commenting at all .


I see thumbnails like that everywhere. They must be doing something to boost views or I can't imagine other creators would flock to the style. I think it catches the masses who have a passing interest, but not the people who would find themselves in a community like this. Or on any other patreon page because they are just listening to it to sort of fill the silence more then anything else. Which if that's what works for them, I won't judge. I just know it's not the type of content I enjoy and tend to avoid those channels.


I never click on anything that looks like that. I just know it is going to make me cringe. x


Being not like them is why I pay money I can't really afford for your content every month. I don't think you even could be so bland even if you tried. So I won't waste my time telling you not to do what they do.


But you don’t need to do that ur the best at what u do it will be the day that the oppressor YouTube will be the one under a pile of he’s own shit when more creators make the jump to freedom ur the head of the legion and more will follow us


I am proud to say my taste & appreaction for visual stimuli have led me in your direction - that mess is childish up there. Keep up the good fight Deadbug


I’m with you. When I see a thumbnail like you showed, I immediately dismiss it. My assumption of the video is that the thumbnail will be the best part of the video. Sick of “red herring” thumbnails I’m most likely to click on new crime content when the thumbnail indicates first hand content; I.e. a snap of police interrogation


It's the way the world is now it seems. Soft hearted, emotional and prefers a waterd down pre scripted non offensive take your medicine with a pink plastic spoon with unicorns on it wile living in the safety bubble its created so no one feels left out or picked on. It's sad how everyone has got so afraid of the real world and real truth and if somone trys to show it and tell it they get exiled from there care bear reality they formed to make themselves think everything is perfect. Another 20years the military will be armed with pillow and helmets.


I agree totally , you’ve got a man with his hand over his mouth like a bitch acting like a little girl and apparently he served, I’ve seen this over and over again, this is what you want to be then it’s just some cheesy story you tell an 8 year old.


Well what ya expect anymore out of people bro you know it's all gone to shit once those same bitch ass over privileged spoiled ungrateful ass pussys compared being asked to stay at home for 3-6 months from a covid virus outbreak lock down to the 1940s nazi Germany dictatorship holocaust.


Yeah I hear yah but at least id expect is you were a man to grow a set.


Well if you guna grow a pair grow them large. 🤘💀🤘


Mcballen channel is cool but he doesn't have your flair.


Or my visuals, sometimes I think I’m missing a trick and I should use my looks and sit in front of a camera reading a Reddit story word for word and avoid all the hate I get for telling the full story.


The thing is you know you wouldn’t be proud of what you’ve “created.” Because you essentially wouldn’t be creating anything. You’d just be another talking head retelling the same story that everyone’s already heard a thousand times. Ya you’d more than likely make a lot of money doing it but could you look yourself in the mirror? Knowing what we know about you and the pride you take in creating these stories, I doubt jt.


No Deadbug. Never change. Don’t change for nobody. There’s only one Deadbug.