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😭😭😭This one really got to me. I knew about these monsters before but your piece really made me feel too. Very scary and respectful at the same time. I can't believe how talented You are, Deadbug! Thank you for charing your art with us!


That was a truly awesome presentation of sadistic depravity, of course i knew of it but the depth of information and film archive was outstanding...and i'm sure i'm not alone in being emotional watching it.


Goddamn! That was intense, like a carny ride! The only sadder one that pops in my head is the James Bulger story


That was a tough one. I always break hearing a child’s last words. I almost couldn’t sit through “We Used to Be Cool” at the end.


Wow that one really got to me! Awesome as always!! Glad they're both dead to bad they got to live as long as they did!!


Death is easy. I'd rather they rot for life in prison. Solitary if i had anything to do with it. Fucking monsters.


It's always terrifying to know what a human can do to another. And I don't think most of us have any idea of the worse yet. Pretty sharp documentary! Sadly, I think the whole ordeal with the gangs in UK will probably give you more material eventually. Here in Brazil, maybe one day you might want to take a look at the case of Laerte Orpinelli.


I was born in London 1963, and this case cast a depressing pall over the whole of Britain for the ten years after it went to court. "The moors murders" phrase was never far away, people spoke in whispers about it. Deadbug, your documentary trancends every other I have seen on this subject, and I cried my fucking eyes out throughout it. Superlative work, thank you x


Outstanding DB as always my man


I’ve been busy with life/ work and am late to the party. I can’t access the video. I tried reporting to Patreon, but options are to report you, not the malfunctioning platform! Maybe too much work frustration and one too many adult beverages? Send help!


Hey Dana, when you click on the link to report an issue, choose the following and enter the required info: https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=360000465611 ● Choose a Request Type: "I have a question about Patreon" ● Are you a Patron, Creator, or Neither: "I'm a Patron" ● I'm A Patron with a Question about...: "I'm experiencing an issue with the site" Hope that helps 💕


Hey guys, every time I try and click on a Vimeo link it says page not available. Any suggestions? Thanks guys!


👆 Use the instructions that I posted immediately preceding your comment here and report it to Patreon so they can fix the issue. It won't be an immediate fix since it's the weekend, but the more people are reporting it, the quicker it will get resolved.


You’re amazing! Have just reported the issue, thank you so much!


You're welcome, sorry you're having trouble... the issue is affecting only a handful of patrons recently, so I'm assuming it's probably a residual glitch from one of their latest updates