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Can Bears get stoned? WTF is going on with this guy in the Wendy's Bathroom? Should I intervene? Working from home is it really such a good thing? Tim Cook and Apple don't think so, a former fan sends me an email and Kenya have elected a new president, this and so much more on this ground breaking episode of GETTING TO KNOW THE DEAD.

Enjoy Or Not





"I'm sweating like a rapist". To be fair it was REALLY hot last summer in the UK, but holy smokes you are irreverent! In a very dark, clever humour way. :-D


There's 40% more deaths for people 50 and lower. At least that's what I've read on a few sites. 😎


Revolvers are pretty damn safe. Never seen one just jump up and cornhole someone. Fuck.


Why not get a little window air conditioner for your bedroom at least Deadbug? It’ll keep you sane while you sleep at least.


The asian fella at Wendy's sounds like when I had a hemaroid 😅


I could be wrong, but I remember hearing someone say before they really don't have AC units in England (I would die without it). 😳 And replying to your other comment: Deadbug actually had And-Man on a GTKTD podcast for an interview... and his impression is spot on!! If you haven't heard it, you're missing out!! Part 1 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/35432044 Part 2 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/35742666


Btw....you had me at Polish girls! 😋


Thanks. I needed that. 👍🏽


Awesome material Deadbug, are you still working with 1152 media ?


When we were 11, my friend michelle kirpatricks stepdad had that same loud shitting, and what did she do? She put her face right up to the door and starting making the loudest fart noises! Everytime he did one, she did one right back! I know he heard her! How could he not? Anyway I pretty much pissed myself laughing.


« It was bad enough when they ran out of toilet paper » hahaha 🤣


We have an air conditioner someone gave my husband sitting in the trunk of my car. It's heavy and we already have 2 others, so we don't want to take it up 3 flights of stairs to our place. I wish I could somehow send it to Deadbug.


AC just doesn’t exist here for homes, so kind of you to think of sweaty Deadbug, Marsha 😘😘


Hey Deadbug! I just joined your patreon like 2 weeks ago, and just wanted to finally reach out to say hi 👋 (because you often say to introduce ourselves) I found out about you through 11:59 media. I've been following you for a while on YouTube. Love everything you do, and think you are so damn funny. Thanks for all A+ content. Hope you're doing well brother.


Hey, thank you very much and welcome! 11:59 are good people, I hope you are figuring everything out and finding the content you want to hear and see?


Thank you! I'm using the patreon app, which kinda sucks alot, but I've been told the website is easier to use, so I'll have to give that a try. On the app I just have to scroll down and down til I find something I'm looking for, or use the flair (like GTKTD button) but that only shows me so much and it's not in order all the time. Either way I'll keep trying! I really enjoy your podcast, so I've been listening to alot of those. I only wish they were longer haha I'm burning through them at work. Good stuff


Well, where as 11:59's selling point is their long podcasts some may say mine as a television director are my films, I hope you are having a look at both side of my work?


Oh yeah I've watched a bunch that have been on YouTube! but not as much on patreon yet, just because they are hard to find sometimes. I just like to sit and watch your videos, so podcasts are my go to at work because I'm a truck driver. Do you have a folder/Playlist of videos that have been taken down from youtube? I've heard you mention columbine, and a number of others, but I know there are alot. like I mentioned, the patreon app is just shit so it's hard to know where to look specifically


I wish I knew the secret to this, I have other people tell me about work arounds but I have to admit even I find it difficult to find my own stuff, just type in Columbine. Also people do help if you ask.