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I had the pleasure of sitting in with my good friend Jack Luna on an episode of Dark Topic Gallows.

In this episode we talk about a reticular murder that has stuck in our mind, disabilities and Old Chicken Petes Bologna farm.

 if you enjoy this sort of thing don't be shy and tell me and we will work together more. 

If you are unfamiliar with my friends work please check him out as he is darker than Wesley Snipes ass hole!


Enjoy Or Not





Epic!!. 🖤🖤 Jack, I really hope you make this a regular thing with DEADBUG - and I can't wait to hear you on 4x4! Especially if it's Stephen King. But then again, I'd listen to y'all read the instructions to a pressure washer!


Ever thought about using the phrase Tighter than a 10 year old? My gross step uncle used that phrase all the time. Until some GIANT retarded man that lived in my aunt's neighborhood knocked him over the head with a crow bar at the skating rink because he had a filthy mouth outdoors and was just a giant douchebag. ((The retarded guy delivered the newspaper, and his dad would accompany him on his deliveries with a bull rope tied around his waist so he couldn't get too close to the houses. He scared the shit out of me as a kid. He also braided his armpit hair and tied the tiny braids off with what were, at the time, the little blue rubber bands you'd find on produce at the supermarket. Like the ones on green onions and such. He gave me horrific nightmares.)) Anyhoooo, all to say, 🖤 your work, as usual! Thanks, DEADBUG!


Great collaboration. You and Jack play well off each other. Looking forward to more!


Braiding the armpit hair is definitely a nice touch though 😋


That was lit DB... totally lit.


I freakin love this collaboration. Thank you Deadbug and Jack Luna 🤘


This was amazing, the conversation between you two just flowed so well. Looking forward to you two next time!


I’m tighter than most alibis but I’m not always on a cripple’s boot so its swings & roundabouts & i’m splitting shoelaces here


man your connection with 1159 was literally genius. learned about them through you and haven't looked back.


what video are we referring to again?


Thanks Deadbug!!! Really enjoyed this podcast.


Deadbug ANDJack Luna. Sweet!


This is where I first heard of you :)