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Dead two and a half years and no one knew it, WTF? Monkey pox, the new pandemic? What happened to the old one? Self serve checkouts, comedian  charged because of a Donkey dick joke? And my new big collaboration, it's all kicking off on this episode of Getting To Know the Dead!

Enjoy Or Not





Little late to the party 😸 welcome all new patrons and big hugs to all the family!!


I want to go on record for all the hypersensitive, anti-free speech types: You have NO right to not be offended, NONE


Nice. Real nice.


Deadbug... about the gas and electric... maybe she had some cash and she was on direct debit... 2 years worth of rot though.. I bet it was encrusted slime and bones


Who else shook their head about whwn that fly sound came on lol?


Deadbug as I am in the second to top rider patreon am I allowed to say 'keep up the good work' with you you getting pissed off? Or do you preffer 'thank you for the entertainment'. I'm not a people's person see


I read that a lab in wuhan was/is doing research/experiments on monkey pox. Sounds too similar to the rona.


I go through Walmart looking for unsuspecting shoppers and put the biggest vibrator and ky jelly in their carts and track them to the registers . It’s usually older churchy women . I know I need a life but I also enjoy a good laugh . Love your sexy ass voice


haha the monkey scream noise is killing me


I live in Las Vegas Nevada and used to be able to make a decent living here but things have changed so I understand your struggle I think everybody's going through it. And I always love and enjoy your content 💙


@deadbug The origin of Monkeypox: https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/what-you-need-to-know-about-the-history-of-monkeypox-180980301/


Thanks for that Jenna, over here it has hit the gay male population hard and they have been told to maybe pull it back on the casual sex, as I’m not gay and don’t have casual sex with gay men I feel safe at the moment. I guess like it’s it all started somewhere.


I finally made the leap to become a patron and already feel my money was well spent. I would have NEVER guessed you were from the UK.