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11:59 are now producing my PODCASTS for any place that fine PODCASTS are available, these PODCASTS will generally be my joints adapted to for PODCAST enjoyment but fear not they will always be available here without any form of ads. Please go over to where ever you listen to you PODCASTS and support me there as well.

This is the next 11:59 Media produced release, although this is already on PATREON this has been redone and I believe superior so if you have 24 minutes to kill, kill this Pt 1 the incredibly bizarre tale of Fritz Klenner and Suzy Newsom . First cousins and lovers, Susie Newsom Lynch and Fritz Klenner led police and SBI on a chase that ended in an explosion that killed them and Susie’s two young sons. It was the culmination of a bloody feud that had already left five dead, decimating two prominent families in a Southern Gothic tragedy of Shakespearean proportions.

Please check out my friends @11:59 media if you get a chance, they are also on PATREON and wherever you can find fine PODCASTS!

And as always,





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