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Hey LEGION, in this episode of GTKTD, I talk about the trail we all hear about whether we want to enough, the gender divide, eating past sell by date fish and sooooo much more in this PATRON only episode of GTKTD.

Although everything you need from me is here, please swing by any of the places you enjoy your PODCASTS and subscribe to my 11:59 Media produced podcasts.






Just joined, FINALLY!!! You are AMAZING!!! Thank you for all you do!!! Will you contact subscribers directly??? Keep up the GREAT WORK!!! I tell everyone I know how great you are!!! Thank you for caring about the VICTIMS!!!


Welcome Tiger!! So glad you're here among like-minded Legion! Have fun exploring around and let anyone know here in the comments if you're having trouble navigating or finding something 🤘💕


Please don’t say his name again.


Thank you!!!


He absolutely responds to members! He is amazing! And welcome to the Legion! :)


Please, can someone help me find the episode about the ice skater girl?


I think you mean the little girl who was conned by some chomo claiming to be a photographer. I forget the title.


The disturbing truth YT channel is heavy influenced by you. I have asked if they are a deadbug fan in the comments 😄 Their videos don’t even compare. Legion forever 🧑‍🦽


Hahaha "heavily influenced" is such an understatement. 😂 The creator of that channel used to be a patron here trying to gain whatever tips/tricks he could butcher and bastardize off of Deadbug... and then has the audacity to tell people "I've been doing this style a year before Deadbug started posting on YT" when they call him out for it. That dude is seriously some kind of special.


Wow I had no idea. What a snake 😆


Lust crimes, the last one I did about a month ago, the long distance runner girl.


As DEADBUG enthusiasts, we can appreciate forensic evidence. Just wondering why no one ever bothered to do DNA testing for the "matter" left on the bed to prove who or what was actually responsible before making accusations leading to more defamation. As a scientist and a logical person, it's not good to jump to conclusions and follow blindly.


Love your opening, complete sadness when school shootings occur. :( Totally dig your Great Grandmother quote. That's a keeper i'll share with my 2 girls when they are old enough. great content. love it! Thank you


There are only two forms of human beings. Male and Female. If you're born with a dick, you're a MAN. If you were born with a pussy, you're a WOMAN.


Class dismissed!


Amber WHO!???


I have 2 cats (Honda and Valentino Scagnasty) and we buy them Dreamies or, as we call them, heroin treats. I have still to hear of any cat that doesn't freak over them. Also thanks for the Sick and Wrong recommendation. Listening to them right now 👍