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I thought as this person felt like bringing their critique to YT comments and say they are afraid to mention it on PATREON, Id take a minute to describe my work process when creating a joint. First of all , not sure how much of a fan this person is when he or she's posting it publicly but it got caught in me troll filter anyway and was never public but any way here we go.

I am a Producer/Directer/Writer, that is my job tittle on a show, or just directer if I go out and shoot the show instead of just putting clips together which makes me a producer/writer. What I do is I oversea a production from conception till it hits the screen, I put everything together and over see a team of people in a production facility, I have generally a few editors (sometimes up to 8), the amount depending on the deadline and I sit with them and we put together a show, one show is  30 mins (generally 24 to 26 min, if it is on tv leaving room for commercials) this takes about a month often longer. I will write the show, lay down a rough narration done by myself and we add pictures and music around that narration. Once that is done we take that cut of a show and we bring it to GFX (Graphics and we ad all the fancy flashes and cool stuff that can take a week or two, then we bring it to be graded, to make the colours look all nice or if it is set in a certain period makes the footage look like it is from the 80's or 70s and this takes about 3 or 4 days

After this is done their may be multiple changes as I have to bring the show to my bosses who might not like something or feel it could be improved or written better because it just isn't grabbing them and then I have to re-do parts to get it all okayed. Once my bosses like it, I need to send it to compliance, these are the people who make sure I follow all the rules for T.V and it can go on T.V. Once that is done I send it all out to someone who checks all thew spelling to make sure that is perfect. After this I send it to legal and they make sure the channel can't get sued, after this is done and hopefully not allot of changes I take my show to audio.

Once in audio we will voice an episode with a professional voice over artist and for a 30 minute episode depending on how much V.O there is, in the case of a back to ack V.O like in allot of my stuff it will take two days of voicing. After this is done, we do the mix and this is are the expertise lies, everything is cleaned up perfect, levelled, sound effects and it generally takes about two hours for every 30 seconds. So a whole week can be spent on a mix and then after all that again it needs to be approved, sent out to bosses and then the audio engineer performs the mix down and we listen to it all through great speakers. After this is done it is played out, I will take it home and listen on my TV take notes and then return to audio studios and spend two days making any changes because I could not hear certain things or it just did not sound as great on a cheap TV speaker as it did in the studio.

After changes, it all gets approved and then the show is ready for layout where it goes to the digital Goes and the world can see it. Even after this there is often a person who emails the channel saying, the music was to loud, they couldn't here the music, the pictures moved to quick, they found a spelling error, we got this date wrong, we didn't mention the father worked at a fridge factory and the list goes on and on.

I believe I have mentioned this to people before who complain about spelling errors and they hold my stuff back from being great or "if you cared" it would be perfect.

I don't have editors, audio engineer, compliance, people checking spelling, graphic designers to to all the face stuff, graders to do the pictures all perfect, it is just me Deadbug sitting in a small little room room at a single computer, the room is built to insulate with perfect sound for voice overs, no special compliance rigs to pick up flash frames or strobing that would not make it on TV because it would not pass tests.

What I do is the punk rock of television, I do it all myself, sitting in a room on average 14 to 15 hours a day, 7 days a week, I don't take a day off, to make a weekly deadline with a product that is puked together to resemble as close as I can to a TV show, but it isn't television because it can't be because instead of 14 or 15 people doing it it is just me, one person and by no means not an expert in and one of the roles of people I am replacing except, PRODUCER, DIRECTOR & WRITER, what you get  I guess very similar to a bootleg record. I could take a month on one joint but even then it would not be perfect, I would need the people whose job I am replacing to make those perfections.

Now, saying that, with all those people you don't get in my productions, what you get is one mans vision, uncorrupted by other voices and thoughts and all of that is laid out on filtered on to a canvas for you to ENJOY OR NOT!

So Mr "I can't listen to it through my head phones" and "Im sure you can afford it" I think you are in the wrong place because your expectations are beyond what I can deliver to you and you should check out one of the other channels because within the remits of my abilities and the time frame I work in, you are getting the best  and it's a pity you felt to scared to post here but as many others who don't support th creator about being on patreon, make Anonymous comments on YT, please PM me and I will refund you, although saying that im not convinced you are a PATREON "who loves my stuff"

And the reason people would drag your ass through the mud with this comment is they are smart enough to know the things I have just told you but for some reason as you fuel around with your headphone jack, you don't get it!

PS, I ant NETFLIX buddy!





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