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Welcome to your PATREON only podcast and in this episode,  it's a good one where I look at some of the news stories of the day, including a follow up on juror number 50, Scotty David who appeared in front of the judge today to explain why he lied about not being sexually abused on the jury questionnaire. I also take a look at how dangerous in can be in a Florida kindergarten class, a man who received the first pig heart transplant and finally the current conflict in the Ukraine.

So sick back, but the fuck up, smoke em' if yah got em' and

Enjoy Or Not!!!





Why am I laughing? Cuz it's fuckin funny!!!


I love the GTKTD podcasts the best. I can put my earbuds on and enjoy with a smile on my face. 🙏👍🤗💞


Please please please tell me the name of the song for the outro!!!


Also you’re amazing.


I believe it is called BLAME GAME and I posted it here for everyone about two weeks ago so just scroll down.


Welcome Joanna!! Glad to have you here!! Also.. here you go! https://www.patreon.com/posts/63218647


OK back again, I totally see what’s going on here DB. I mean I should’ve kind of figured it out from just listening to all the podcasts but I’m getting a little bit of a different feel from some of the stuff I’m hearing over here on this platform. What I’m referring to is people calling you a racist or homophobe or whatever. I’m a gay man , I’m a trans man, I’m a gay trans man, I’m 55 years old . I’ve lived a long time I’ve seen a lot of shit and I can totally see what you were just saying. I don’t think you’re a homophobe. I think what you were saying was that if these guilty motherfuckers get found guilty and then it comes out that people didn’t answer their questionnaires properly or lied on them or whatever this is how the system uses that bullshit to let these guilty motherfuckers go free. That’s how it’s done , that’s how powerful people keep getting away with shit. Anyone that can’t see that needs to look at their own blind spots and quit worrying about your existent or nonexistent prejudices nuff said


The sad part now is someone old school like yourself doesn’t need to hide behind pussy ass terms to attempt to cancel people and if you have an issue you can fight your corner. I literally find any of these idiots who slag me off the 88 IQ club. I work in media where most people are gay , I don’t need to defend myself life is about taking a joke giving and getting clearly these pussies want total anonymity. Funny thing is rarely do I see a gay person or a different race complain, always some SJW TO PROTECT them. What I’ve always said and people miss is I’m a chapter, a silly chapter, the things I say are meant to make me look stupid not anyone else but this is where I bring it up to the 88 I’m club, that’s all they got, but then they will go watch some shit slide slow channel where the host photoshops themselves next to the victim and look all sad. This scotty guy is a liar and creep but it has nothing to do with his sexual orientation.


Indeed. I used to be so proud when I could say I was gay or trans or anything really cause it was a new experience that I honestly thought would never happen. But now, ffs I only mention it in cases like the comment above when it's too back something up like what you said, as a non straight, non cis gendered person, who can also see further than 2 inches in front of my own damn self. Life has to have more to it than your own damn agenda. Thanks for all you do. Hope you didn't translate that into "keep up the good work". 🫤


Spit out my coffee with the comment about dropping the kid in Russia as a secret weapon😂😂😂😂😂🥂 fuckin chapeau DEADBUG ! Great episode


And great closing music


Fucking Patreon have stopped giving me notifications.. my settings are all switched on on my phone🤘 Fucked if I know🤦‍♂️


Yea the song at the end shit was a banger


I generally respond better to being asked then one word posts, which makes me feel like a bitch but if your interested I can post it!


Lmao I feel it but yea can you post it or send either way is cool 🤙🏽