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Spells heart ache for some including yours truly but others celebrate it so Happy V day yah filthy animals and smoke em' it yah got em'!!!




Happy Valentine's Day, you crazy kids! I made ganache filled brownie bites for work, and cherry filled cake bites with cherry drizzle for home. I guess we're getting diabetes for Valentine's Day? Stay safe, everyone.


I think I'd rather have diabetes than be in a relationship 😆


You could have a relationship with sugar. Diabetes would follow, like a sweet, dysfunctional kid.


Happy Valentines Day Deadbug and everyone!


Heya , and a big happy birthday and an even bigger ones to the anti/valentines loammmmmmmmmmm


Post don’t load properly it’s posting like I’m drunk hsha


Just saw your bit on the icp network good stuff DB


Death & Love go hand in hand til the end, so may all have the darkest deathly \/alentine ever. \db + legion/


So me and my Sugar (Daddy) had a great vday Lol Lol 😆


Happy Valentines Day! I came over from 11:59 media. I love your content, I would listen 8 hours a day if there was a way to run the audio only. The video uses up my battery to quickly. The show is just as great with only the audio. The video content is awesome as well. I just work long hours and love to binge listen my new favorite show. Much Love ❤️




We love you DB!


I don't really hate any certain bands, but I FUCKING hate Hillary Clinton with a burning passion, the reasons are just too numerous to list, but there ya go and oh by the way, happy Valentine's day Marsha, and the rest of you Lovely Ladies❤💞💖


I hope those who celebrate V Day had a fun time. I have been married for decades and while I did marry up as my wife is still a major piece of ass, I am not a gay Hehehe we don't bother with all the commercial crap. We ordered a pizza, smoked a joint and would have made another kid but thankfully my wife had a tubal after our 2nd kid was born so I don't have to worry about birth control, nice, fucking nice! A few years ago I worked in the psych field and the charge nurse was an open lesbian who had just moved in the women she married a year later. I remember her asking me once if I knew what Friday was and this was on a Tuesday I think (I could be off on what the actually days were but you get the idea) I answered "NO" because I honestly had no clue. She said to me ... wow, you are really married ... is valentine's day lolol . She took the evening off and wined and dined her women. I have nothing but respect for this nurse, she was an animal and could bring home 2-3 women just in one dam day off. She is incredible and a legend in our area. I know ripped muscular gym dudes that can't keep up with her.