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Brian Laundrie claimed responsibility for the murder of Gabby Petito’s death in a “suicide note” found near his remains, the FBI have revealed.

Anybody want to guess reasons given? Im guessing something to the tune of, I got sick of stopping every 15 minutes to take squinty eyed selfies and pictures of every meal we eat!



I mentioned parents. Both sets of parents. Jesus Christ stop being a fucking Karen.


Lol, this thread made me laugh.... I'm so sick of the hurt feelings crowd invading the true crime community that I'm just about out of patience. These types have literally DESTROYED a community that's been here forever, getting along and sharing stories and feeling for the victims and their families without having to be told or called morbid. Now we have the What About ems and the Don't say the criminals name and "Uh, trigger warning next time bc peoples feelings".... Fuck em. If you need ANY of that bullshit or to come to a thread and talk about MuH MisOgyNy, you don't belong in the true crime realm. They were BOTH insufferable. Equally. I didn't see half the shit some people are saying in those videos. I seen a girl whining about her social media, acting a little crazy and I seen a dude that played into her bs and got himself caught up in something he couldn't handle. They were probably BOTH equally insufferable. Did they deserve to die? Probably not. Youu know who DIDN'T deserve all this hateful bullshit from weirdos? The parents. ALL of them. But ESP his parents who has some EMBARRASSING big mouth pos screaming through a bullhorn bc she THOUGHT she knew more than the people involved. That was the most embarrassing part of this whole mess. That someone calling themselves a member of the true crime community went to an innocent PARENTS house to scream nonstop like she knew better. Parents that were I'M SURE not only just following the advice of their lawyers, but also probably grieving the loss of a child too. That kind of shit has no place in the world. Really. Screaming at the parents of a possible dead kid. It's why Deadbug and Sword & Scale are the only two true crime people I watch and get involved with anymore. What has happened to true crime in the last few yrs makes me sick. It'd blow wig back if I told you what these sick fucks are willing to do to someone else that doesn't agree with them. I used to a couple of FB grps and I barely even visit them anymore bc of what infiltrators have done to other mods.... And I'm talking in real life shit. It's sick.


Funny shit.