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It brings me no joy when I see that another channel has called it quits, yes I guess you could say they are competition but with 4.71 million subs I think it is safe to say if it was a coipition than JCS truly won the game. I know a few channels have been victims of YOUTUBES new January guidline's but the ones I have seen have been large channels with allot of large channels for friends who have large twitter following and each time YT has backed down and reinstated content and removed strikes.

Sadly it seems one law for the big channels and one law for the smaller ones, I know I've been targeted this week and had joints removed that is ridiculous and appealed and the appeal rejected. Allot of my stuff this week was +18'ed by YT which basically means it will never be seen, one of my films that was +18'ed was about reincarnation and family members coming back to communicate with us and I was stunned by this, no dead bodies, no swear words.

Any body have any insight into JCS and what happened? I though they left a while ago and didn't even know they were back. They say their videos were removed for being violent and sensitive content but isn't that all true crime? I never watched their channel but I thought it was all interrogation footage?

As I said it brings me no joy because it means myself an other channels could be next, it seems from the victories of the larger channels the best thing to do as a community is to stick together! Let's not forget that many of these channels employ people and it is a job they support their famous with.





Sunshine you hit that nail right on the head! Too bad the nail wasn't in that piece of rotten shit Susan's head.... I wonder how she'll censor and whine in the abyss!!?? I'm a Criminal Psychologist I have primarily worked with Juveniles in custody & clinical settings, but I so appreciate the raw reality, the no sugar coating that JCS & of course our own DEADBUG produce-the sanitized delusions of people like 'Special Ed (mentally challenged) Susan' are taking away the opportunity for individuals to know the harsh reality of violent criminal behavior.


That is such a great channel. It is very fascinating to see it in that point of view. Sucks that they called it quits.