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A good friend of mine told me he was involved in his father's assisted suicide and wow, I was at a lose for words!

Enjoy Or Not!





Glad to hear you’re still fighting FIT in a lot of ways! As for putting put down like a dog - having watched various family members die of cancer I’d want strapped up and put out of my misery too - but only after a weekend bender of fine wines and frivolity! Keep on rocking Deadbug and everyone else!


I know more than I'd like to about the first topic, than I'd like too. Having to watch friends and family suffer from terminal Illnesses is just torture and I hope I have the balls to say enough is enough, when my time is up, I've already put in my will, that I don't want to be on life support and so as not to make someone, make that horrible decision for me. The medical community can sometimes have an obsession with trying to squeeze every last drop of life out of someone and sometimes it seems, just for another payday instead of letting people go with dignity. There is such a stigma around it and I totally understand why, but I guess I'm more progressive in my views, since I think passing away kicking, screaming, pissing and shitting yourself and starving till you look like a skeleton is absolutely horrifying to me. I don't believe anyone should be pushed, by any means! But having an option to say, hey I don't want to suffer or make those around me go through the pain of watching me suffer, is much kinder to all parties. Idk man, it's definitely not a black and white topic. It's about as grey as abortion....


Yeah, we put animals down to " Ease their suffering", and I've done that, as I grew up on a farm. Everything from horses to birds, what is morally right about pain? I don't know, my life is the only thing I own and I won't let some rich stranger tell me what to do with it. LoL ref. Rage Against the Machine, Killing in the Name. Same thing with family, if they're at that point where everything is a misery, and there's nothing to look forward to but more misery, I'd help. If I could. Anyway, thanks for posing these questions. They aren't topics that I think about, I mean, who doesn't believe that tomorrow is going to be pretty much the same as yesterday? But that's not how things work, is it? Especially with my career, tomorrow may never come so it's good to have an idea about what you'd do.


The morality of euthanasia aside, I would not trust And Man with a swift deliverance


Omg having his dad “put down” what a way to say it haha!


Jolene Smart, that is my seven year old daughter. She may be too young but I am not.

Mindy La Haye

Assisted dying became legal here in NZ three weeks' ago. It's going to be interesting watching how it plays out and I'm very glad we now have the option


I live on the west coast USA and I'm a healthcare provider. This euthanasia idea is something that is troubling. To draw a parallel, I recall the big push to legalize Marijuana to ostensibly treat nausea in patients receiving chemotherapy. That quickly became using Marijuana for multiple complaints where it's use is questionable at best. Now most drugs, including methamphetamine, heroin and cocaine are all drugs that you can have in small amounts for personal use. The result is that we have many more people overdosing and dying. Now euthanasia is legal. Supposedly this is for patients with painful, terminal illnesses. I can see this quickly going the same route that legalizing Marijuana took us down. As a rather horrifying example, I watched a documentary where a young woman with mental health problems was allowed in Europe to choose to be euthanized. That was deeply disturbing. We give an oath to do no harm, killing someone seems like the very antithesis of that promise.


Aloha! Love the content!! Thank you for all your time and effort. I've laughed, I've cried like a baby, Ive been glued to the screen. The emotional upheaval has been ace lmfao! Cheers!


Legion Forever! Fuckin Rob Dyke don't care 😆 love you DB longtime fan new patreon. Keep it real yo!