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I won't go into detail but I have been battling an on going illness in recent times, well for a while now that goes away but returns even worse , I believe I have touched upon it in DEADBUG goes camping but it seems I am loosing the battle and my health has been failing. Not sure if it was the extra work from the ICP joint or the accumulative effect of other things but I have pretty well been bed ridden since Saturday except for a trip to the doctors.

Fear not, I don't think this will effect my uploads , may be a little late this week and I did crawl out of bed to do the Liverpool Hospital Explosion (although I paid the price for it physically) as I can't help creating but I may not be around as much and if I am maybe not as patient as I should be so forgive me in advance. 

In short I owe it to my children to get well so Im going to stay in bed another couple of days, not drink (Im on medication) and  seriously think about how I approach things because a 12 hour 7 day a week schedule is not good even when were in a pandemic and Im a fucking lonely recluse with nothing else to do. 




Your health comes first DEADBUG, you take all the time you need get well soon🖤


I hope you get to feeling better soon DB, you take good care of yourself <3


well. this comes as a shock 🤯 i was entirely convinced you were a Superhero!! 🤭🤗🤩 i love you. you just get better doll....


I mean the Bug it's already a part of us my fellow legions, The DeadBug already put in the work..let's be honest to be here we need a couple of loose screws and I tell you we are all a little infected by his talent. The DeadBug is like a Greek mythology Beast, except this Beast is real, now we get to keep spreading the word around. Get better Legend!! Much Love Homie!!


Just lost my Dad, best friend and Grandma within 3 days of each other. Might sound silly but I can't lose your master art and nut bag rantings too. They are a brief bit of escape from grief which is a bigger gift than you know. Be better DB especially for your kids. We can wait for content as long as you promise to come back.


Sad to hear all this, hope you are holding up alright. Just focus on getting well, we all wish you the best, the rest can wait!


I’m really sorry to read about your losses. All of us in the legion are always here if you ever need a place or someone to talk to 🖤


Get better dude


Omg sorry I couldn’t resist! Your health is the most important thing. Something you realize after a few trips around the sun. Take care and thank you for the image of little Deadbugs running around, they’ll keep your spirits up.


Shit brother. I know about this stuff . Feeling good one day shit the next. All we can do is say bollocks, then push on . Don't worry about the legion were not going anywhere. Get well soon DB . LFNL 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿😎


Wow that’s awful babe and that’s so bad and you never expect three close people to go so quick. Sending you a hug and a vodka because that’s how I deal with crisis xx


You're amazing! I hope it goes well. You deserve all of the hope and prayers or perfect vibes that all can send.


I'm thinking about you and wishing you healing and health my amazing brother. Take the time you need to rest your body and mind. All of your Legion fam will be here for you come hell or high water, you know that DB. Let others take care of you, I know it's hard cuz you have to always been the strong one who soldiers on for your family, but it's time to let your beautiful children ease the heavy load you've been carrying; you're a soldier DB, but sometimes even soldiers need to put their boots up for a bit. You are so loved and appreciated by so many, you deserve it.