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Authorities have reportedly discovered human remains in the Carlton Reserve, where Brian Laundrie was believed to have gone missing when he got his bald ass outta his parent’s Florida home five weeks ago.

A senior law enforcement officials say they located partial human remains in the vast, alligator-infested swampland in a location that had recently been under water. 

Now Im sure Laundrie's isn't the first remains to show up in alligator infested area but what do you think, have the alligators got our man?

Sorry no selfies of the event available

Thanks to bga1970 for the heads up!!




Since, this version of Laundry vs Petito didn't play out nowhere near what I thought, I'm (respectfully) no longer interested. No one respects "the creative license" this era of cancel culture has folks leaving their nutsacks while running, obviously my script on how it should've played out was denied. P.S When I go, just hack one from the back of the throat spit on my tombstone and say "Yep, finally caught up to that slippery bastard"


I'll make sure you are remembered!! No spit from me 🙌🏻


Why Thank you Marsha! You maybe the only one who doesn't. I already have a crew to pressure wash the tombstone once a month for the 6months


I though ally's eat all dut the asshole.?


Nah, this little soy boy self hating environmental extremist came home and went camping one last time with mommy and daddy, then went out in the wilderness and offed himself. I hear it was a self inflicted gunshot wound, surprised even in that situation he would handle an evil, icky firearm. He was too much of a coward to face the music, and now we will never know what really happened. I'm sure he told his mommy but they won't be sharing that info.


If they're "human" remains, it's not Brian. Sorry.


Damn, looks like the murderer got petito and laundrie. What are the odds?


I'm watching wfla online and it looks like it's Brian Laundrie. Hopefully his notebook has some answers. He diff did not deserve a pain-free death. Yesss, I'm judging but throttling another human is not a quick easy death regardless what some quack on Fox News states!! I'm just angry about this whole case. They partied around a campfire while Gabby's lifeless body was lost.


Looks like they did find his remains, pussy took the easy way out


I hope he was alive when a gator got him,,grabbed him by surprise & drug him under the water doing the death roll!! But I bet the chicken shit offed himself,,I wouldn't be surprised if his parents knew that he killed himself,,they hid as much as possible & it would be easy to hid their mourning of him. Even if they didn't know he was going to do it they had to know he wasn't going to last very long in the swamp. We may never know what really happened & how much his family actually knew,,but they all knew something & got to say goodbye unlike Gabbys family!!


I read somewhere they found 7 other bodies while looking for them...wtf is that all about?


Searching both the tetons and the swamps, bound to come across some bodies. (So many hikers go missing every year). Hopefully some of those remains will bring closures to families who have had a missing loved one.


Let's be real, what better outcome could we get? I'd rather him do the job himself than have an overdramatized show trial just so the basic bitch true crime armchair detectives can gab about it for clicks only for him to get a life-in-prison sentence or sit on death row for 20+ years only for "Innocence" project to play like he didn't do it cause there wasn't enough evidence. It's good that he spared us having to endure all that shit. Anyone who wishes he was found alive care to explain how that would be better than him terminating himself conveniently? I'm seeing only positives here.


we can only hope that is how it happened but I doubt we could be so lucky.


Because we want to see his ass suffer in prison. And most importantly we want the truth or some version of it. Yea, no, we mostly wanted to see him suffer, as we already know the truth.


Gangland dumping ground perhaps. Maybe one of those spots shared by truckers to dispose of lot lizards or hitchhikers unwilling to show due appreciation. Why did Brian know the area?


There's far too much glory in the living for a sensationalized murderer. Prison just becomes summer camp with endless. hibristophiles espousing their devotion and understanding. He wouldn't get the retributive consequence of Dahmer or the punitive poundings like Manson. Just nutraloaf, press interviews and fan mail. He already set the bad example there's no positive reason for him to remain.