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Regarding the Jason Thunberg case, Yeah sure they may be full of shit but this is the second message on this joint that I have received from one of the family members, the other was the granddaughter of one of the victims found in the dumpster thanking me.




Good to see you getting the recognition you deserve :D


I’m so proud of you, DB. You work so hard, and it makes me smile to see you getting recognition. For the family’s of the victims, it warms my heart that your joint was able to provide them with a few more details. Losing a loved one, the not knowing can be some of the worst part.


I may be a bit slow, but I can’t seem to find the comment(s) you’ve pinned from the smooth brained individuals that troll YT? From your recent email, couldn’t find it? Any help would be appreciated


The snowflake trolls melted and the comments were deleted


Ah, got it. As I sit here with my PlayStation recovering from spinal fusion surgery, I thought I was getting daft in the head. Thanks Kristina!


That’s great DB! Reminds me of when the killer of your friend Darlene when to parole and her family cited your documentary as evidence for what a scumbag he is. Any updates on that case?


You're welcome and I hope you have a very speedy recovery!!


Can’t post pictures here on Patreon? Or am I missing that too?


You can on the community section but only by using a browser not the app 😊 sending blessings for you to heal up quickly!


Got it, thx!


It's great that one of them thanked you.


😄 I was going to post an X-ray for the mess that’s my lower back w the screws and rods, but not smart enough to do it! 😂


No updates, I haven't checked, sometimes it is good to distance yourself from that sort of thing.


hi. thank you for all videos for the last year and more. you have a great personality. fuck those who dont know real journalism...... you are our friend....Nettie and Leo.


Hey we could be twins,,lol my lower back is rods & screws also!! But I can't get the x-rays mri's or films of my surgery,,which I'd like to see because when they opened my back up I guess it was a mess! Hope your healing well & fast!


I have had spinal surgery too. Wishing you well. Deadbug will take your mind off things.


My neurosurgeon wouldnt operate on my lower back, just my neck, he said it was too risky. 😣


I have always been interested in crime ( not committing it), but love the straight talking way it's narrated. Deadbug, you could cover the murders in the English Lake Distri


Deadbug should cover the bodies found in the Lake District in England. Look up Gordon Park, and Peter Hogg. Derrick Bird, the taxi driver, who went on a shooting rampage.