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Im torn, I think the guy with got fed up of her whining and self obsession and pushed her out of the van and nature got her or he killed her although too my he looks as weak as she does so it would have been a good fight!

Anybody wanna convince me either way?



I kinda think she was a bit off. Didn't like No. You know the type. I said this right after seeing that police footage lol, and it's not a very popular opinion in the cunty "True Crime community" that has overtaken YT now and ruined it for any levelheaded person that uses their brains. I WOULD die laughing if they find out he never did anything to her, but just left her ass behind..... And once it's found out he sues the pants off these news agencies calling him a killer already. 😂 And to the people saying it was HER van. Her money etc.... The reports I seen said they BOTH sold everything to take this trip.... So wouldn't it be THEIR money, their van. Etc etc... He just seemed like kind of a pushover sap. And she seemed HIGHLY emotional... But I don't know... Something seems weird about the whole thing and I trust NO Media I see covering it. But like our dearly departed Christine Chubick said... If it Bleeds, It Leads 🤷‍♀️


What's Up Em you got me hooked. I blame you for all my nightmares now "kiddo" 😁