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This and so much more on this exciting edition of GETTING TO KNOW THE DEAD!

What I hate about condoms, some people hate them more than others like a guy who attempted to crazy glue his dick shut as a form of birth control.




It's the new build a bear. Build a coffin. 😬


Haha, we covered that Indian tweaker who glued his dick shut on the S&W nooozzz, we’ll have to get you back on soon! I’d 100% not build my own coffin because what’s the point? When I’m dead, harvest my organs then whatever’s left just throw me in the trash… that’s if they even find the body 😉


oh fuck. 'ginger. ginger. ginger''... really?! is this fuckin weak sounding immasculated human a good rep of my ginger 'people'? no. it's 2021 - survival of the conformist! in this corporatocacy dictatorship you choose as a platform. when you put your brand out there to profit from your compromised sold soul, learn to adapt or bow out. maybe years of his constant boring brand drivilling wore itself out - no.longer a cash cow. yes, perhaps one of the Logan brothers will find him swinging - then he'll be relevant again... if years of childhood ridicule!! & torture about your hair colour or sexual confusion has not made you stronger by 15 yrs old - - fuck you!!! why don't you just kneel down & suck YouTube's tiny. little. female. cock. & call it a day...


what? too much? 🙁 lol i'm just mad at our system that produces weaker, perpetually damaged people. just setting them up for failure so bad...plus, have some self respect man. sorry Deadbug, for going off...love you 💜


omg. k so let's add fucking w/his emotions severely to their list of dirty deeds. like, in 5 yrs, when this guy looks back at himself crying & begging...sheesh


anyway..what are you doing up at 5 a.m.? 🤣


i know...just a trip down 🇨🇦 memory lane for ya. have a great day mister!


i know...just a trip down 🇨🇦 memory lane for ya. have a great day mister!


Copper Cab had a couple hilarious feuds with Bearing and Gavin McGuiness


Just more evidence that YT is a digital psychopath dictator that needs to be executed by the www.


The thought of throwing a minimum of about 8k a for my own funeral, probably nearer 20k makes me wanna drive a dumpster truck through the damn bank. When I'm dead I'm dead, i really don't give a shit what happens to my body, a Boromir style burning while drifting down the river appeals with some money for a piss up and pizza afterwards. The people who pay for horses and carts thinking their the Krays must be insane, paying 100k for a funeral? Spend it in life when you can enjoy it not when your worm food or ashes in the wind. I've even thought of letting that weird German guy who uses bodies as "art" have my body but seeing that program on TV years ago made me feel sick, the guys a total serial killer who's just lucky he doesn't need to kill anyone, i still bet he has a few kills tucked away in his wankbank.


I guess one fatty ginger is pulling the strings at the YT help center. how the bullied have become the bully. oh well, it won't last.


Ya I don't get the super glue thing. Ive been in construction and building trades most of my life and I've always kept a few tubes in my tool box just for when I would cut my self slice my hand or something like that, and you can glue the cut closed and get back to work. The thing is, it fucking burns like a bitch so how did he stick that in his dick hole squeeze a gob and then get back to business?? I mean he's Indian, so it not likely that he was circumcised, so did they just pinch up the foreskin and turn his crank into a water balloon when he pissed??


oh shit right, i didn't think about the whole un-circumcizer aspect. Of course that is probably what he did. What a moron. Aren't condoms sold in India? I mean come on.


Hahaha daaamn Coppercab 😂😂 yeah he was some weird ginger kid on youtube just complaining about ppl calling him a ginger and whatnot. I never watched a video of his channel tho, just the YTPMV stuff from others. Was pretty funny back then