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I announced to everyone a couple of weeks ago that I was approached about working on a project and I would fill in the blanks at some point and well now is the time!!!

INSANE CLOWN POSSE'S Management contacted and said that their clients were big fans of my channel and wanted to know if I wanted to direct their latest music video for their upcoming  album. Now, you don't have to be a fan of ICP to know the significance to this and the importance to the channel. These guys have a huge fanbase that are definitely on brand with what I do and ICP will be promoting my channel which will mean a surge in subscribers bringing my channels numbers up which recently have virtually stalled.

Anyone who knows me beyond YT knows that directing music videos is nothing new, from Alice Cooper, Pharrell to Metallica so doing this in itself is not a big deal but what makes it special is this is because of my YT channel that YT has done its best to make invisible and so many other channels pretend don't exist but these guys approached me based on this!! I like what these guys do, I like their fuck you attitude so I am very excited about this.

We just finished shooting this week and I really think this is going to bring big things, I am currently working on this and will be priemiering it here on PATREON but also release it on my channel!!!! I will also be featured in their print advertising which means a fuck allot of exposure!

This is going to confirm to others what we already know! We know the score while so many don't!!!!



aaarrrggg thats bloody fantastic news Buggy you boy are finally being recognised...... so sooo happy for you , heres to the future xoxox Legion all the way xoxox


Congrats, sounds like they appreciate the breadth of your experience and will respect it with more creative leeway. Deadbug without the shibari, amped for you and the pursuant preview of the joint. Have fun.


Fuckin Delighted for ya Deadbug.. Can't wait to see the final product..Great news Dude..


Will you do an episode on the Juggalo Murders?


You are PERFECT for this! Man, you’re gonna fucking kill it! You’re already magnificent & successful BUT *everybody* should know who you are. Maybe you could bag an interview with Howard Stern or some Quentin Tarantino-type will notice your work? Congrats Deadbug


I have followed and loved ICP since my high-school days of Tripp and Jnco 😁💜


While am not a fan of ICP i am a fan of you and so happy to hear this!! It's so exciting!!!


Fantastic my brother . Fucking fantastic . LFNL 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿😎




Just seen this!!! Fucking congratulations 🥳 👏🥳🍾🥂🎉


Did you come to the states to film it?! That’s awesome. I wish you’d do a meet and greet with us Legion. I know I’m not the only one who would love to shake your hand! 🤘


That’s awesome. The last time I heard about them , they scared the shit out of me. And after seeing the grey man on their video, I now like them. So you guys did each other a favor;)