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Although it is partially a SCI-FI Im pretty fond of THE THING, it may be old but it has stood the test of time, with HALLOWEEN not far behind!



Jaws.....salems lot is a miniseries but it's a close second...all John carpenter films deserve top spot too...prince of darkness is overlooked a lot x


Yes Salems lot! I remember watching that aged 8 with my sister and step brother who are 5 years older than me in a caravan on holiday in Talacre North Wales! The pair of them were shit scared they had to watch something funny on tv for 2 hours before going to bed😂


The org The Thing is savage, always gets a re-watch. The Audition was a special kind of fucked up. Kiri Kiri Kiri.


Scariest Movie of All Time? That's easy. Norma Rae. Sally Fields gettin' womens all riled up and not makin' sammiches...Horrifying.


Also, several scenes in Bad Boy Bubby. The ‘bedroom’ scenes made me look away and go ‘ewwwwwwww’ but still watched it. One of those movies you want to turn off, but can’t.


Bad Boy Bubby..I totally forgot about that movie..It was so fucked up..Good call Melinda..


More weird than scary, and obscure, but In The Mouth of Madness. Sam Neil is in that one.


The Exorcist (1973) and Alien (1979).


One of my favorite movies of all time and it’s crazy that it is so obscure! Not many people have watched it but it definitely gets in your head! I immediately thought of this movie when I read the title of this post so it’s cool to see that someone else here also thought of the same obscure movie!!


I am a big fan of the Rob Zombie movies: House of 1000 Corpses and Devil’s Rejects. He seems to cover all the “horror” bases in his movies and he recreates a retro look and feel that really makes the movie appear like the horror movies in the 70s and 80s even though they were made much more recently.


I really like it, too. ☺ It's great to find a fellow fan of the movie.


I've always been a fan of the original Phantasm. The only movie that could give me a pudgie and the chills at the same time.


Not exactly a horror movie but ‘Alice’ from Svankmajer is pretty dark and scared the shit out of me/intrigued me at the same time as a kid.


The Exorcist is the best horror movie. The Thing is the best FX movie with a horror element but more sci-fi. Halloween never got me goin'. Nor The Shining.


John Carpenters The Thing is excellent. Probably not in the majority with this one but mine is Robert Eggers' The VVitch. Hereditary is up there on the scale too.


Halloween is my favorite horror movie