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First thing id like to do is welcome all new patrons, thank you for making the effort to be here, please if you have any issues or problems you need help with ask them here.

This podcast is a bit of a catch up where I remember the days of going to Danforth movie theatre on Acid to see Led Zepplins Song remains the same movie.

Enjoy or not





We used to go to The Song most Fridays in High School... on acid. Too funny. Sometimes we went to the Rocky Horror Picture Show and throw toast at the screen.


Work have to wear a mask and shield cause some dumbass at work went for a pcr test...Positive for a cold which she explained the exact symptoms for and they told her she had the virus. I know for a fact those parents tests are not Sars Covid-19 test specific, he'll they haven't nailed down the damn virus to get a sample of it. How the fuck they gonna jab the whole fucking world with an experiment. Imma hold out til I see what happens...


The cover with the roach, is absolutely disgustingly hilarious. I have two requests in no particular order... 1. Don't Change 2. Don't stop


Awww you and Ted are becoming bros. That furry murderous adorable creature is growing on you 🤗😉 Oh man, my cat would always bring the birds back still alive too. Came in with a baby bird one night when I was in high school and I could not figure out what the noise was and It was the middle of the night (he brought it through the dog door on the other side of the house) . I thought it was like a demon because of the sound. Had to go wake up my parents 😂 Poor baby bird RIP. Good luck with the dove! 🙏🤞


I fckn love you and your content 👍😘 and if people find you offensive I suggest they stop fckn finding you 😉😂


The last story wasn't as creepy as Jeffrey Toobin masterbating to all his CNN buddies.


Jack looseshit. Myst be grumpy from the sore arse from all the wiping.


It's funny you mention the inner city swearing skill. I grew up in Etobicoke between '71& '75. I never thought of myself as a fountain of vile language, but we had moved from TO to outside Kingston, and that stuff rolled (still rolls if you let it) far too easily for the gentrified folk in that region. I knew I was in the wrong place when I had an emergency appendectomy in 79'. When I went back to have my stitches removed the doc said "the ladies in recovery want to thank you for teaching them new words". Thinking back, I remember being semi-conscious and demanding water. Probably demanding in that inner city TO fashion that regular folks don't much appreciate.


I cant find on the patreon channel the only way I can get to you is to follow the links from your page that I bring up from a link on your page. When I search your name on the regular patreon channel I get nothing. Your not able to be found. I dont understand what I'm doing wrong. I can look at my profile but only if I follow to your page from a link from a former email from you. I get nothing when I search the " find a creator " button. I dont know why it's not navigating to your page in the search results. Please help.


Hey Rick! Someone asked me this a couple months ago, and I found out that if a creator has a Patreon that is marked for 18+, then they will not appear in the Creator search. That being said... if you are using the app, when you open it, it automatically opens to your "feed" of latest creator posts. If you click on the icon in the top right corner (of people), it will show you your list of creators you pledge to. If you're using the browser, just log in to your account from Patreon's main page and you'll see your feed and supported creators there.


Lol the only Nietzsche I remember is the German philosopher.


Seriously just went through some Karen telling me that eating a meal at a chain is killing Ugandan gays,I pointed out how he is on technology made by Asian child slaves and developed by the Nazis themselves !and how hypocritical it is to police non hateful people and if he wants to find true hate,go to the south where hatred actually exists in plain public and try that dumb shit, and go after true hateful people not people who use adjectives and nouns to describe things.🤦🏻🤷🏻


Happy Birthday Nicki!