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In this episode of Getting to know the dead I talk about, the spike in sales staff in shops getting physically and verbally abused, assisted dying and a couple who find a nice surprise on a beach in England!

Id like to welcome all new Patrons and I hope you will say hi and introduce yourself in the comments section and if you are having any technical issues please state them and one of out experts will help you!!

Enjoy Or Not





My cat scratches the couch precisely bc he knows it irritates me, so it's his go to when I've ignored all of his previous polite requests. So what does he want your not giving him? You may need to sew on a set of prosthetic prunes for him to lick since it was his go to self-soothing mechanism.


I finally made the jump ya leg mentals whats going on here


Keep up the great work man you are truly gifted appreciate the detail you put in your work top notch content