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Just a heads up everyone that I am in the process of moving and it generally as you know isn't a pleasant process. All my stuff is in boxes I have no internet and.... you know the score! 

So I will be off-line a couple of days, yeah sure I gotta phone but unlike you guys and gals Im not technically proficient and my monkey pays are barely able to pound in a phone number unless it's to Dominoes.

Anyone have any unpleasant moving experiences please feel free to share so I know my day isn't as shit as some others have had it.




Hope you moving to a place with no stairs. Will make it easier for you to get around when you’re a leg cripple


We almost didn't move into the house I have now because we were imagining being old with stairs in our home, and it wasn't pretty. In the end, we decided that, if it came to it, we'd reenact that scene from Gremlins with the stair lift someday - minus the Gremlins, probably.


Ted would have loved a lift chair. So many movies to re enact on a stair chair, could have been an expensive stay. Great choice avoiding that


Good luck with the move DB--definitely don't have any "good memories" to share during the many times I've moved in the past. Enjoy your new digs!


Dont get a heart attack dear, plenty of time for that tripping over boxes at the next place. Be safe DB hope all goes well

Darlene Troise

If unpleasant is moving furniture up a 4th floor walk-up, in the Brooklyn summer heat (that one summer where it was extra hot)... Then move over and make room 😑


Moving sucks ass. I moved out of a 1000 sq ft house, where I lived for 25 years, and it was the worst, having to pack everything and move it myself. Never again.


Hoping your move was Ex-Lax smooth. I worked with an Independent College age friend that owned, and operated a Moving Assistance Company. I have a number of moving experiences I'll type up and add to the thread later. Here's a House Warming Gift https://youtu.be/DooAjrP1hPA


I just moved as well back at the beginning of March. We had no heat, no running water. It was like camping, but with a high temp of 14C. Average lows were well below freezing. Ever take a sponge bath in freezing cold weather or use a camp bucket in a chicken coop for an outhouse while a meter of snow is on the ground? I can now say I have, and the entire time I'm freezing my arse off I was thinking, "My ancestors did this. I am such a fucking wuss." :) We've been here for over a month, and we still don't have a kitchen. At least we have one bathroom, a slow cooker, and the contractors are held on a deadline. Won't have a sink until the countertops are installed at the end of May.


all the best with the move man I'm in london and have a van, and no not like the sarah everard killer, theres a full size piano in it otherwise I'd say I could help move some stuff and probably still could. anyway I moved on april fools this year and it went as smooth as hell


were glad your all moved in...There was a stocking job opening at our grocery store and so i applied... so get this, during the interview they asked me if i ever stole anything. and of course i said no. and this pete guy says would you take a lied detector test.. im like WTF so i needing the job i said ok. i fucking failed. what gives.. Leo & Nettie


Depends on where you are, Deadbug. Annette, you failed because a lie detector isn't a lie detector. At best, it's an emotion detector. You were probably nervous, and, yup, it picked up on that. People fail them all the time. I really think only a sociopath could "pass" one. Congratulations on being a functioning human with feelings. https://www.apa.org/research/action/polygraph


Your username cracks me up. Does your van say "Free Candy" on the side?


That is so fucked up!! There's a reason those are inadmissible in court. Did they just do it themselves or have you go somewhere? Was it a chain store or independent?


I am a supervisor in a refractory construction company and before we are allowed to work at harmony or anglo american gold and platinum, we would have to undergo polygraphs the lot. also lots of my guys failed including me so dont feel bad, if theres any consilation..... polygraphs are bullshit mate and my best advice next time as a kid you used to steal sweets from your mom lol


You are right, I'm a leg cripple thanks to a stroke I had so stairs are out of the question for me, My Wife and I just purchased a house and we were somewhat limited cause we needed everything on the first floor cause of my crippled ass.but after alot of searching we found one, now we get to experience all the pleasures of moving everything we own😜


I was told by a criminal attorney you always say no to polygraphs and the reason being is they are not 100% and you can also fail when you tell the truth. There is no shame to standing your ground - in the infamous words of Nancy Reagan , just say NO. Deadbug I bought a house last August because I never want to move again in my life - my husband is a union bricklayer in the land of Lincoln an even though we could afford to hire professionals to help us move he chose to hire 2 union guys he worked with - well every peice of wood I own was scratched and a couple things were missing an never found - my bluetooth ear buds - which I can not live without - and a whole box of christmas decorations - cant figure that one out. Anyway - I bought old english scratch cover kit from Lowes and new blue tooth ear buds and we are living happily ever after now. Hope you do the same !!!


well good thing it worked out in the end, more or less. Congrats on the new place.