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Some of you may be thinking... "Hey DEADBUG I think I have seen this before, is this a re-upload?" And I would say to you, NO NO NO NO you mad impetuous fool, this is so much more!!! Forced to remove (as I constantly remind you) more that half of my uploads from YT many classics are now gone. Yes I have uploaded allot of them to Odysee (have you signed up yet? Why the fuck not?) Many in my Japanese series that allot of people consider the "Easy peasy Japanesey" part of my film making, I have held back to remaster which includes adding facial animation which I had not been using at that point as well as redoing audio and reediting different parts. 

The Chinese Ripper was the first in that series and KILLING RATMAN is the second. Please see this as an early release and as always let men know what you think. Re-watching it a certainly get a darker sense from the Japanese stuff, not allot to laugh at.

In Tokyo Japan Between 1988 and June 1989, mature photography student Tsutomu Miyazaki mutilated, tortured and killed four young girls between ages four and seven, and sexually molested their corpses. He cut up and drank the blood of his victims as well as keeping body parts as trophies.  Miyazaki had an nasty disability where he was born with Rat hands, long horrible grey like talons that caused him to be bullied even by his own family.  Miyazaki who attended a local University taking a video and photography course but when the desire struck him he randomly selected children to kill.     His background story is as interesting as it is bizarre, he had an obsession with watching and filming his sisters shower and he had endless amounts of footage of them bathing, it was when one of his sisters found one of his hidden camera's and confronted him that he beat her up and was kicked out of the house (During the trial is was revealed that Tsutomu's father had been having an affair with his oldest daughter and also enjoyed watching her shower). Finding his own place in a desolate house in the hills is when he was given the privacy to start killing. It also came out in the trial that Miyazaki's coping mechanism for having rat like hands was to create an alter ego called "RATMAN" to which he won a costume and cape roaming the streets at night looking into small children's windows and masterbating as they slept. Tsutomu Miyazaki was Japan's first modern day serial killer and few have equaled his evil since! During the trial defence lawyers tried to convince Judges that Miyazaki believed that he was part Rat and therefore could not be held responsible for his own actions.  

 CLASSIFICATION: Serial Killer  ORIGIN: Japan 🇯🇵  

ACTIVE YEARS: Between August 1988 and June 1989 

METHOD: Strangulation, torture, necrophile And dismemberment  

NUMBER OF VICTIMS: 4 (Believed to be more) 

DATE OF ARREST: February 1989 STATUS: Dead, Hanged June 17, 2008 (aged 45)



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Forgot. “Rat Mobile got a coffee spit. That were funny.


Guinea Pig? ;)


That was a great cut Deadbug got the eyes and expressions going on that Rat Bastard!! That was one sick fuck, no more ratmobile for that fuck😋anyhoo, great job Bro.


By far your creepiest work excellent!


The Japaniese joints are my personal faves, and were already outstanding like everything else but this was best joint you have ever done. Some how you just raise the levels each & every week.


One of the very first I'd seen on LL...Loved this version.


Deadbug that was the creepiest one ever ..Ratman had to be a demon spawn , and so cruel , wow , im like peeking out from under my blankets now ! I literally have goosebumps from this one....im glad he was executed. Those poor babies , i cant imagine how scared they must of been , and their parents to have to go through the taunting. Its unbelievable the things that scurrey around in this world , on 2 feet that is.


Ohhhhhh this is as creepy as it gets, real nightmare material. Excellent stuff.


Holy shit! This is definitely creepy. As always amazing work!


That literal monster lived 20 years longer than his beautiful victims. May they rest in paradise

Laura Adams

Omg I have heard this case before but not in that detail and that picture of him caught on camera, scared me so bad I had to fast forward it. And that poor little girl!! I can't even imagine the terror she experienced. Her face still looked so pure and innocent, at only 5 years old. I think this is the absolute worst story I've heard/seen.


Goddamnit Deadbug fuck you fuck you hard for that. I was fine through this whole thing then bam that closing sequence just fucking gutted me. It truly was a masterful piece of work